2024summer in Renaissance 2024夏@ルネサンス

The children's curiosity exploded as they were able to do more and more each time they visited. They took on the challenge of daily swimming and many handmade experiences.

Handmade foods: rice balls, dumplings, bread, pizza, Fish cake
Things they made by hand: Bamboo chopsticks, can badges, sea salt, soap
Things they experienced: Swimming in the sea, snorkeling, fireworks festival, summer night festival, VR experience, Streaming noodle, tuna cutting show, fireworks at home.

We look forward to seeing what you can do next.


手作りした食べ物 おにぎり、餃子、パン、ピザ、たい焼き
手作りしたもの 竹箸、缶バッジ、海塩、せっけん


【1日目】三原港から船で到着 Arrive by boat from Mihara Port
島の友人に頂いたすいかで一息 A sip of watermelon given to me by a local friend
瀬戸内の魚でおいしい夕食 Delicous deinner with fish from Setouchi
【2日目】お昼のおにぎりを準備 Prepare rice balls for lunch
お昼の魚の餃子も準備 Fish dumplings for lunch also prepared
海辺を散歩 Walking on the beach
小さな島の夏の夜市Summer night festival in a small island
VR体験 VR experience
缶バッジづくり Making can badges
【3日目】朝食に手作りピザ Homemade Pizza for breakfast
潜ろう Let's dive.
長磯の魚たちFish on the Long Shore
シュノーケルのレッスン Snorkel Lesson
【4日目】恒例の塩づくりMaking salt as usual
【5日目】毎日海へ To the sea every day
【6日目】朝食に手作りパンケーキ Homemade pancake for breakfast
【7日目】朝食に手作りパン Homemade bread for breakfast
竹箸づくり Making Bamboo chopsticks
【8日目】流しそうめん streaming noodle
昨晩作った竹箸で麺をすくいます Pick up noodle with bamboo chopsticks he made last night
Homemade pizza for dinner
【9日目】朝食にカスタード入りたい焼き Fish cake with custard for breakfast
せっけんづくり Making soap
マグロの解体ショーを見学 Tuna cutting show at a supermarket
夕食にマグロの手巻き寿司 Tuna roll for dinner
恒例のシーグラスアート Sea glasss art as usual
最後の夜の花火 Fireworks at last night
【10日目】おばあちゃんに会いに Move to meet grandmother

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