One buck, One doe and twelve chickens are getting along fine at the date of February 5, 2023

Goats 山羊 やぎ

They are in common by, getting lonely easily, sensitive to sound, rarely calling, rarely escaping, and gentle.

Male, at least over thirteen years old (not clear), hybrid of Shiba and Yakushima. He is short leg and small body but likes head-butt and jumping. He is still a naughty boy, but he is still sleeping a lot, perhaps because he is getting older.
Female, nine years old, Japan Saanen, quiet and very friendly. She has had seven births, given birth to many cute kids and provided lots of nutritious milk to us. Now she has done her part and is living peacefully.
Having Children 子作り
Milking Goat ヤギの搾乳
Cheerful Kids 元気な子ヤギたち

Chickens 鶏 にわとり

Chickens are kept in separate sheds for each generation because the smaller ones are more likely to be bullied.

Senior Generation シニア世代
Two, Boris Brown joined on about 2020 as four-month chicks from Japan agriculture shop. Three of hybrid of Araucana and White Leghorn joined around the same time. The frequency of spawning has decreased drastically to one per day or less, but they are friendly and fine.
Working Generation 働き世代
Five hybrid hatched in incubator at home for the first time. Hybrid of two or more among Araucana, White Leghorn, Okazaki Ohna. Color of egg shells are two pink, three blue.
Recently, spawning has stabilized, averaging 3 to 4 eggs per day. They are our breadwinner.
Chicks Generation 雛世代
Two chicks, Silky were hatched at home on January 3, 2023 from six eggs I got at road side farmer's market. They are now indoors, warmed by a Kotatsu heater.
Under hatching 孵化途中
Twelve eggs of Silky were placed in an incubator on January 28, 2023. The hatching expected date is February 18. The incubator is next to chicks' room.
While dining 食事中
Drinking water 水飲み中
Threatening? 威嚇?