What is 'Self-Resilient Life'

Resilience' means "ability to recover", "adaptability".
'Self-resilient life (SRL)' is more than self- sufficiency.
SRL addresses complex reality with commensurate multidimensional thinking.
SRL comes from local
We must observe and respond to our local environment, unencumbered by corporate media, which has its own agenda. We must educate our children so that they not only survive but thrive in the future dominated by environmental problems that are experienced locally and solved locally.
私たちは、独自の意図を持つ企業メディアに邪魔されることなく、地域の環境を観察し、それに対応しなければなりません。 私たちは、子供たちが生き残るだけでなく、環境問題に支配された未来で成長できるよう、地域で経験し、地域で解決できるよう教育しなければなりません。
Role of Community
And, most critically, we must work with and help our neighbors.
Community life provides resilience via its myriad mutual co-operations. In ancient Greece, Rome, the Italian Renaissance, and the Edo period in Japan, this lifestyle was the source of social success.
In the future, a more luxurious lifestyle based on technology will become the standard.
Together for the Future
We practice our SRL through the search for technological and tangible means to help with energy, food, and association, based on our own experiences and skills, as well as the needs of the world today.
We believe that these small activities will support the community resilience and contribute to the realization of an autonomous society.
Energy エネルギー

Food 食

Association つながり

Our SRL 私たちのSRL
Category | What we need | Our approach |
Energy エネルギー | Solar Electric 太陽光発電 | Developing solutions for efficient use of solar energy 太陽エネルギーの効率的利用のための技術開発 |
Food 食 | Production 生産 Preserve and process 保存と加工 Cooking 調理 | Wheat,Orchard, Goats, Chickens 麦、果樹、ヤギ、鶏 Olive pickles, Fruit Jam オリーブの塩漬け、ジャム Recipe avoiding animal fats 動物性油脂を避けた料理 |
Association つながり | Non-IT communication methods IT以外の通信技術 Talking, learning and helping each other 語り合い、学び合い、助け合う | Development new technology 新しい技術の開発 Organizing Potluck party, study group, and workshop ポトラックパーティー、勉強会、ワークショップの主催 |
Water 水 | Ensure water purification 浄水の確保 Use of Grey water グレイウォーターの活用 Saving water 節水 | Use of rainwater 雨水の活用 Watering trees with Grey water グレイウォーターで樹木の灌漑 Making and using natural soap 手作り石鹸の利用 |
Garbage ごみ | Reduction of garbage ごみの減量 | Avoiding extra package 過剰包装を避ける Promoting Reuse 再利用の促進 |
Transportation 移動 | Transition to electric vehicles 電動の乗り物への移行 | Development of electric tricycle 電動三輪車の開発 |
Child care 子供のケア | Education and Experience 教育と体験 | Providing Workshop ワークショップの主催 |
Elder care 高齢者ケア | Listening, Elicits curiosity 傾聴、好奇心を引き出す | Ask for their experience and skills. 経験やスキルに頼る |
Medical care 医療 | First aid 応急処置 Info of doctors and hospitals 医師や病院の情報 | Prepare kit and skill for first aid 応急処置の道具とスキルの習得 Collecting hospital information 医療機関情報の収集 |
Shelter 住まい | Building Maintenance 建物の修繕 | DIY as far as possible なるべく自分で行う |
Clothing 衣類 | Sawing and repairing 裁縫と補修 | DIY within the scope of my abilities できる範囲で自分で行う |
Disaster prevention 防災 | Disaster Preparation 災害への備え | Application of our products to disaster use 私たちの製品の災害時利用への応用 |
Entertainment 娯楽 | Music, Outdoors 音楽、アウトドア | Campsite, Outdoor Stage etc @Mots Land |
”Community Resilience” we think about 私たちの考える"共同体のレジリエンス"
Category | Emergency Preparation 緊急時の備え | Simple/Partial Prepare 簡易的/部分的な備え | Reasonable/long-term preparedness 合理的/長期的な備え |
Energy エネルギー | Generator、batteries 発電機、充電池 Gas Stove for Camp カセットコンロ | Solar panel and batteries for furnace 調理用熱源としての太陽光パネルと充電池 Local wood 地元産の木材 | Large solar arrays, Local biomass, private grid sharing 大規模太陽光パネル |
Food 食 | Store food in cellarIn ground, etc. 倉庫や地中等への食料の備蓄 | Kitchen garden 家庭菜園 Reuse heirloom seed 在来種の利用 | Private trading with other communities 共同体間の個人取引 |
Association つながり | |||
Water 水 | bottled water, purifier ボトル水、浄化装置 | Large volume water filter 大容量用フィルタ | Rain storage, environmental purification 雨水の修水、環境浄化 |
Garbage ごみ | Have a plan to store extra waste 余分なごみを保管する計画を立てる | Build a compost pile, recycling bin for metal, glass コンポスト建設、資源ごみのリサイクル | Utilizing recyclable garbage for private local profit 地元の民間企業の収益となるよう資源ごみを活用 |
Transportation 移動 | Stash some gasoline ガソリンの備蓄 | tools for repair of vehicles 車両の修理道具 | car sharing with neighbors |
Child care 子供のケア | |||
Elder care 高齢者ケア | |||
Medical care 医療 | |||
Shelter 住まい | |||
Clothing 衣類 | |||
Disaster prevention 防災 | |||
Entertainment 娯楽 |
Activities 活動
On going 取組中
Photon radio (external link)
A pioneer of the next high speed communications.
Developing a digital communication tool with photon particle transmitting information much faster.

DIY Grid (external link)
Institute of developing DC local-grid technology.
Developing a power supply for efficient use of solar energy. Providing electric craft workshop for children and adult people.
Mots Land モッツランド
SRL experience space / DC local-grid exhibition
You can experience the next generation technology to realize self-sufficiency of energy.
SRL体験空間 / DC ローカルグリッド展示場

Mini Farming ミニ農業
Cultivation and processing wheat, olives, and citrus fruits while trying to convert to electric agriculture. Also trying to grow tropical fruit trees in an experimental greenhouse.
Goat & Chicken 山羊と鶏
One male and one female are living peacefully in their old age.
The chickens are female only. They lay brown, blue, and pink eggs of different breeds and are well received for their taste.

Experience やってみよう (external link)
Visitors can experience smoking, playing with bamboo, rope work, soap making, etc in the island.
Future 今後
American Radio History Museum アメリカラジオ歴史博物館
Build Electric Boat 電気船の開発
Archives 過去
Looking Back in chronological order 年表で振り返る

Looking Back with Brochures パンフレットで振り返る

Looking Back with each contents 活動内容で振り返る
Food 食
- 2021-2020 Breakfast Party 朝食会
-Every Wednesday breakfast with local friends 毎週水曜日の朝食は地元の方々と共に - 2019-2018 Local Food Chain 食の輪
-Sharing bread, sweets and cheese using goat milk and homestead eggs with local people by exchanging local vegetables or donation in Sashima 佐島で、ヤギミルクを使ったパン・おやつ・チーズ、放し飼いの鶏の卵を、家庭菜園の野菜などとの交換で、地元の方へ。 - 2018-2017 Let's Exchange ! 交換しましょう!
-Sharing bread, sweets and cheese using goat milk and homestead eggs with local people by exchanging local vegetables or donation in Yuge island 弓削島で、ヤギミルクを使ったパン・おやつ・チーズ、放し飼いの鶏の卵を、家庭菜園の野菜などとの交換で、地元の方へ。
Outdoors アウトドア
- 2021 Disaster Drill 防災
-Disaster Prevention Activities Utilizing the Outdoors アウトドアを生かした防災活動 - 2021-2020 Rope work ロープワーク
-Develop skills that are useful both in daily life and in emergencies 日常にも非常時にも役立つスキルを身に付ける - 2018 Go Outside!
-Enjoy experience outside such as baking sweets (baumkuchen) with bamboo on fire, secret base, rip and cook chickens etc 焚火と竹でおやつ(バウムクーヘン)づくり、秘密基地、鶏をさばいて料理するなど、さまざまな野外体験
Study together 共に学ぶ
- 2021-2020 Translation Group of Old captain's Logbook into English 老船長のLOGBOOK」翻訳会
-Enjoy the backstory of the author, who lives on the island, and challenge everyone to translate it into English using machine translation 島内在住の著者の裏話を楽しみながら機械翻訳を活用してみんなで英訳に挑戦 - 2021-2020 Lion in the cage 檻の中のライオン
-Relearning the Constitution 憲法を学び直す - 2021-2020 Kamijima Fun Club かみじまファンクラブ
-Publication of free newsletter "Fun in Kamijima" フリーペーパー"上島町をたのしむ情報誌 Fun in Kamijima"の発行 - 2020 Terakoya; Space to learn from each other 寺子屋:学び合い空間
-Thinking about local issues in the community 地域の課題を地域で考える
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Hi! I am Pat Ormsby, living in Shizuoka Pref. and would really like to meet you. Just read about you on the Arch Druid Report. I will be going out to Shikoku in May (koushuukai from May 13-17). Would it be possible to stop by and see you?