Company profile 企業情報
RepresentativeMarvin Motsenbocker代表者マービン モッツェンボッカー
Company nameRenaissance LLC企業名Renaissance 合同会社
Address148-1, Yuge-Kamada, Kamijima-cho, Ochi-gun, Ehime 794-2510 Japan所在地愛媛県越智郡上島町弓削鎌田148―1
Establishment DateFebruary 29, 2024設立日2024年2月29日
ActivitiesResearch and development of technologies that contribute to a resilient lifestyle etc.事業内容レジリエントなライフスタイルに貢献する技術の研究開発等
Corporate sitehttps://yugeshima.com企業HP
Project ListPhoton Radio
-Developing the next high speed digital communication tool with photon particle.
DIY Grid
-Developing DC local-grid technology for efficient use of solar energy.
Mots Land-Self-Resilient Life experience space / DC local-grid exhibition
Mini Farming
-Electric agriculture practicing by cultivation and processing crops such as wheat, olives, and citrus fruits and experimental greenhouse using electric water heater .
Goat & Chicken
-An older female goat and some chickens are very friendly and healing, and produce tasty eggs.
-Visitors can interact with islanders through experiences such as smoking, playing with bamboo, rope work, and soap making.
プロジェクト一覧Photon Radio 
DIY Grid 
Mots Land モッツランド 
セルフレジリエンスライフ体験空間 / DC ローカルグリッド展示場
Mini Farming ミニ農業 
Goat & Chicken 山羊と鶏 
Experience やってみよう
History / Member Introduction 沿革 / メンバー紹介

Renaissance was the name of the unit Marvin  Motsenbocker, (Mots) and Yuko Mibu (Yuko) based on the remote islands of Yugeshima and Sashima in Ehime, Japan. Since Yuko and Motz moved there in 2014 and 2015, respectively, we have created, learned, and through trial and error with many people, including friends on the island and off, and travelers from around the world, We have been through a lot of trial and error. After many challenges, we incorporated in 2024.

ルネサンスは、モッツェンボッカー, マービン(モッツ)と壬生優子(ユウコ)の夫婦が、愛媛県の離島、弓削島と佐島を拠点に活動するユニット名でした。2014年にユウコ、2015年にモッツさんが移住して以来、島内外の友人や世界中の旅人など多くの人たちと共に創り、学び、試行錯誤を繰り返してきました。数々の挑戦を経て、2024年法人化しました。

Timeline of Renaissance

Member introduction メンバー紹介

Our goal 私たちの目指すところ
We are wealth creators who have come together in the country to study and teach making food and energy. The old Edo period of cooperation combined with new technology is the future of Japan. Come help us build the future at our shop in Yugeshima.

Local people in Yugeshima live a rich life based on true value such as food from land and sea and DIY skills and spirits. People utilizes this wealth for communication with neighbors and friends to keep confortable community instead of exchanging with money. We purport to participate in such ideal cycle and futher develop this in the electric energy and food areas using technology.



Daily life 日々の暮らし
I am working on the development and practical application of new technologies that support self-resilience. The first is the development of new high-speed wireless communication technology. Until now, all wireless communications have transmitted information over multiple waves. If we could transmit one bit of information per cycle, we could achieve a 100-fold increase in speed. This is a very exciting development, as one cycle corresponds to a photon pulse, and it will present a new concept in physics called "photon radio". We are looking for collaborators. Second, we are working on the commercialization of new technologies to create and distribute photovoltaic energy at higher efficiency and lower cost, both domestically and internationally. We are aiming to expand our business to inland China and Southeast Asia with our business partner in China, in order to demonstrate our strength especially in countries and regions with poor power supply conditions. We are building and testing new equipment on Bow Island and hope to one day build a manufacturing plant here.
My indoor work is to provide consultation on intellectual property and advice on contracts at home to support researchers who are working hard to put their research results and new medical technologies to practical use. I also teach law to science students at a technical college on the island. My outdoor work includes farming and caring for goats and chickens. I obtained a hunting license to hunt wild boars for chicken feed, and last year I succeeded for the first time in capturing one. I became a certified electrician to learn Motz's trade, and my next goal is to master soldering skills.
1つめは、新しい高速無線通信技術の開発です。これまでの無線通信はすべて複数の波に情報をのせて伝送していました。もし1サイクルに1bitの情報を伝送できれば、100倍の高速化を実現できます。この1サイクルは光子パルスに相当し、Photon radioという物理学上も新しい概念を提示する非常にエキサイティングな開発です。協力者募集中です。


Experience これまでの経験
My first work was as Electronics Broadcast Engineer and later I was a Research Scientist for several small and large companies both in America and in Japan. Later, I started a patent law firm in Washington DC where I was a patent attorney for 20 years.

At first, I worked for a law firm specialized in chemistry in Osaka for 7 years. I became a patent attorney there. Next, I became involved in small business incubator in the medical field, started a patent search company and a law firm in Kobe. After that, I moved to Ehime and continue a law firm.



Places we lived before yuge 弓削の前に私たちが住んでいた場所
My hometown is Rochester New York (near Canada) but I have worked in research for a few years each in California, near New York City, the Mid West, and was an electronics broadcast engineer in Schenectady New York. My favorite jobs were teaching Biochemistry at State University of New York and working as a Broadcast Engineer at General Electric.

I was born in Gifu. I have lived in Nagoya (applied chemistry), Nara (molecular biology), and Kyoto (immunology) when I was a student. Later, I moved to Osaka and Kobe to work there.



Wanted! 求む!
I am looking for a do it yourself person who wants to make electricity and/or work with circuits. I want to collaborate with someone to work on radio technoogy.

I am looking for people who plan and manage workshop. It makes you excited as much as joining general workshop.

