Solar power X Farming #1太陽光自家発電と農業その1

The current system of solar power generation does not take full advantage of its features. At Mots Land, visitors can experience first-hand various examples of off-grid, solar-only power supply applications.

.Case Study #1 "Electric Water Heater, Hot Water Heating Greenhouse
Features: Stores excess electricity during the day with hot water
Advantages: Replaces hot-water supply system, reduces electricity and gas costs, and reduces the cost of purchasing expensive batteries.

Reduced battery purchase costs
Electricity generated by solar panels during the day is stored in "batteries" such as lithium-ion batteries and used for nighttime power and emergency power. These batteries are the main culprit behind the high cost of installing solar power generation systems.If excess electricity is used to boil water instead of batteries, the cost of purchasing batteries can be reduced and the cost of installing a photovoltaic power generation system can be greatly reduced.

Reduced hot water costs
Surplus electricity during the daytime can be used to produce hot water with an electric water heater to store electricity, which can then be used in the kitchen or shower. This can reduce the entire cost of hot water heating, which accounts for about 30% of the electricity consumed in the home (according to the White Paper on Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2018). Gas water heaters are no longer needed. If this hot water is utilized for floor heating, heating costs can be saved.

Greenhouse" with warm water heating
We have expanded the use of hot water heating to agriculture and built a small greenhouse. Six pots of wonderful mango plants have joined the greenhouse, and we will be able to taste them for the first time this year, the second year of the greenhouse. We also have potted dragon fruit from Yoron Island and papaya, and LED lights have been installed to solve the lack of sunlight during the winter. Warm water can also be used for seedling cultivation.

Operating Results
An electric water heater powered by solar energy is installed indoors and outdoors in the home in Yuge. Hot water has been used comfortably every day for about 10 years in the kitchen, toilet, and shower room.

Mots Land offers many people the opportunity to experience solar energy self-sufficiency and experience firsthand its unlimited potential.

太陽光発電は、今のシステムではその特長が十分活かされていません。エネルギーの自給自足を安く簡単に実現できる、無限の可能性を秘めています。Mots Landでは、オフグリッド、太陽光発電だけの電力供給による様々な活用事例を実体験できます。活用事例をご紹介したいと思います。

活用事例その1 「電気温水器、温水暖房温室」
特徴 日中の余剰電気をお湯でためる
利点 給湯設備を代替し電気・ガス代を削減、高コストのバッテリー購入費を削減





Mots Landでは、多くの人々に、太陽光発電によるエネルギーの自給を体験でき、その無限の可能性を肌で感じる機会を提供しています。

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