Solar energy workshop 太陽光発電ワークショップ

Thanks to Ryoko san, we were able to conduct the first solar power workshop in Mots Land.

Dr. Mots first handed out one voltmeter to each participant and explained how to use it. Next, he poured seawater from the ocean in front of us into a paper cup containing two types of metal wires. Participants measured the voltage between the wires with their own voltmeter. A small but detectable voltage was found. This is a battery. Participants learned the basics of electricity, such as the ionization tendency of metals and the fact that the movement of electrons is the flow of electricity.

The solar panels that are always on the roof are lined up. Participants learned the difference between alternating current that reaches the home and direct current produced by solar panels, and that solar panels are also electronic components, so they are sensitive to heat and generate electricity more efficiently in winter.

The three panels were connected in a matter of seconds by clicking the + and - wires on each panel together with a connector. Plugging the power cord into the outlet connected at the end, the light fixture immediately lit up and charged the smartphone. Participants were able to realize that anyone can easily create and use electricity by themselves.

The photovoltaic workshop will last 1 hour and 30 minutes, with a minimum of 4 people, and will cost 1,500 yen per person. Same price for children and adults. Adults are the ones who should experience this. Please contact us if you are interested!


モッツさんは、まず参加者ひとりに一つ電圧計を配り、使い方を説明しました。次に、2種類の金属線が入った紙コップに、目の前の海から汲んできた海水を注ぎます。 参加者は自分の電圧計で電線間の電圧を測定。わずかですが電圧が検出されました。これは電池です。金属のイオン化傾向、電子の移動が電気の流れであることなど、電気の基礎を学びました。




One thought on “Solar energy workshop 太陽光発電ワークショップ

  1. Ken Motsenbocker says:

    I remember when we were kids we took appart 2 batteries and made an arc welder in the basement , connected to the 120 volt house line, and two water sources for the terminals. I had a large red spot in my eye for 3 days.
    Marvin's brother ken

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