Off-Grid life trial camp + Three workshops オフグリッド体験お試しキャンプと3種のワークショップ

We welcomed a group from Matsuyama, Ehime, for a 3-day/2-night trial camp at Mots Land in Sashima. It was a very hot day, and everyone looked tired when they arrived by car, but after a short rest and playing in the ocean, they revived. By the third day, they had become accustomed to living off-grid, […]

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Mots Land in Sashima モッツランド@佐島
Solar energy workshop 太陽光発電ワークショップ

Thanks to Ryoko san, we were able to conduct the first solar power workshop in Mots Land. Dr. Mots first handed out one voltmeter to each participant and explained how to use it. Next, he poured seawater from the ocean in front of us into a paper cup containing two types of metal wires. Participants […]

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