Maker Faire Tokyo 2023: We had many guests. パンフレットも60部ほど持ち帰ってもらえました。

On Oct 14 and 15 , we set up a booth to showcase Dr. Mots' technology, which enables low-cost solar power generation with a simple system. Everyone was very interested in Dr. Mots' techniques and activities and listened intently to what we had to say.

On the first day, we could meet some people who lives in Okayama, Hiroshima and Ehime. We were happy to meet people from nearby prefectures in Tokyo and have them tell me they would love to visit.
Most guests live in Tokyo. When I pointed out our location on the map, next to the Shimanami Kaido, they immediately understood where we were and said they would like to stop by Mots Land during their trip and experience off-grid living using Dr. Mots’ inventions.
There was also a request for a workshop. Mots san has done workshops in the U.S. and can also do workshops in Japan upon request. Please inquire individually. We were exhausted after standing and talking with guests for about 6 hours. However, we are happy that we were able to make many friends and open up new prospects for the future. About 60 copies of the pamphlets we had prepared were taken home.

On the second day, a 20-minute presentation titled "self-sufficiency of energy" was given in the corner space of the hall with Dr. Mots, Godi and Yuko.
We began with an introduction to Renaissance and explanation of Dr. Mots' technology. Following the plant's strategy of increasing the number of photocollectors, the system is very simple; DIYers can get low-cost power on site with solar panels, his power box, and commercial electrical wires. This simple system has also been installed on the roof of a village market in the rainforest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Godi is the village head of that village and an activist of rainforest protection. Godi came to Japan from the U.S. for this event.
Godi introduced his activities directly in English, and Mots san talked about his travel to Congo to install his system in Japanese. After presentation, some guest stopped by our booth and told us our presentation was very clear.

So, what's next? Everything one step at a time.




さて次は? 何事も一歩ずつですね。

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