GO OUTSIDE 5th AGAIN! 外へ出よう もう一度!

Feb 1, 2020 (Sat) 2020年2月1日(土)

We Renaissance got to know some active or former members of island-reactivating cooperator squad* individually and knew that all of them hope to give children chance to have good experience in this beautiful island with local people. Some of them involve in education of students now, but in an even more fundamental way, they seem to hope to give children the fortitude to live. On the other hand, Mots san has thought and prepared to get children together broadly inside and outside island, teach them about basic science and technology to foster future leaders since we moved here from United States. I am convinced of being able to do something significant with them, so I made a group which is called “GO OUTSIDE!” and the member gradually started to exchange opinions via SNS.

*island-reactivating cooperator squad is a kind of community revitalization volunteers who are motivated urban residents by actively accepting human resources from outside the region, having them perform community cooperation activities, and settling and establishing them in regions where the population is declining and aging. This is a system aimed at maintaining and strengthening local power while responding to the needs of the region.

私たちルネサンスは、現役又は前任の島おこし協力隊*と個別に出会い、彼らが、地元の人々と一緒にこの美しい島で、子供たちによい体験をさせたいと考えていることを知りました。現に生徒の教育に関わっているけれど、より根本的な方法で、子どもの生きる力を育てたいと考えているようです。一方で、モッツさんは、この島にアメリカから引っ越して以来、島の内外から広く子供たちを集めて、基本的な科学や技術を教え、将来を担うリーダーを育てたいと考え、準備を続けていました。私はここにいるメンバーと何か意義のあることができると確信したので、”GO OUTSIDE!”と名付けたグループを結成、メンバー間で意見交換を少しずつ始めたところです。
Well, today we got together and rehearsed an outdoor event organized by one of the members end of February. Two high school students who are interested in volunteer activity for children also joined. It was just excuse, and we simply enjoyed fire and baking Baumkuchen on it with bamboo. さて、今日はみんなで集まって、メンバーの一人が2月末に企画しているアウトドアイベントのリハーサルをしました。子供むけのボランティア活動に興味があるという高校生二人も合流しました。というのは単に言い訳で、単純にみんなでたき火を楽しみ、そのうえで竹を使ってバウムクーヘンを焼いて楽しい時間を過ごしました。
I think we need a contemporized version of Terakoya**. There are many people each having valuable experience, highly skill, ambition, and a mind of encouraging such ambitious young people in the islands here. And we also have a amazing nature. All members of “GO OUTSIDE!” really think something significant can be done under such an ideal condition. Now comes the real fun.
**Terakoya was a small private school and increased rapidly up to 16560 schools throughout the country about 200 years ago. Some of the school teacher became masters of the children’s life. Recently World Terakoya Movement advocated by UNESCO is known as one of movement of promotion of literacy education by UNESCO.
私は現代版の寺子屋が必要と考えています。ここの島々には、貴重な経験を持つ人、高いスキルを持つ人、野心を持つ若者、そんな若者を応援しようと考える人、など実に様々な人々がいます。そして私たちには素晴らしい自然もあります。”GO OUTSIDE!”のメンバー全員は、このような理想的な条件の下、何か意義あることができるに違いないと本気で考えています。これから本当に楽しくなります。