Summer wood craft and Japanese workawayer 夏の木工と日本人workawayer
Summer wood craft: We were cleaning up Mots Land in Sashima, and found some stored woods for deck were partially rotted. I threw away the rotten parts, followed the instruction manual and made an armchair. I also made a small chair using scraps of wood. 夏の木工:佐島のモッツランドを片付けていたら、雨ざらしにしていたデッキ用の木材の一部が腐っているのを見つけました。腐った部分を捨てて、アウトドア家具のDIY本を見ながらアームチェアを作りました。垂木の端材を使って小さい椅子も、こちらはオリジナルで作りました。 Japanese workawayer: Nowadays, it is hard to find workawayers […]
Children’s summer holiday 2022 子供たちの夏休み2022
A boy and a girl could stay in Yuge for 10 days this year and enjoyed; 今年は僕と私が弓削に10日間滞在して、、、 cooling down with ice from the ice machine and homemade orange sherbet, 製氷機の氷や自家製みかんシャーベットで涼み、 drawing fossils and dinosaurs on the blackboard, which is a boy’s current obsession, 今、僕が夢中になっている化石と恐竜を黒板いっぱいに描いて、 shaping fossils and dinosaurs to bake bread 化石と恐竜に形作ったパンも焼いて、 making an LED […]
Electric craft 2022/LED Cap 電気工作2022/LED帽子
DIY Grid, an independent energy lifestyle project, provided a workshop of electric craft. After learning how electricity and LEDs work, we each chose our favorite color of LEDs, thought about their placement, wired them up, and completed the project. It was a little difficult at times, but that’s why we were so happy when the […]
Putting counterflashing 水切りの設置
モッツさんは、建設会社に勤める友人からアドバイスをもらって、人工芝を引いた床の縁を修理しました。金属シートを購入し、切断、縁に合わせて曲げます。私たちの家もできて10年が経ち、メンテナンスが必要になってきました。 Mr. Mots got advised from a guy who works for constructor and repaired the edge of floor with artificial lawn. He bought metal sheet, cut and bend it to fit the edge. Ten years have passed since our house was built, so it requires maintenance gradually. 20210225 Repairman / Google Photos
Summer vacation in Yuge 弓削の夏休み
20200723-26mv / Google Photos 20200724-26relatives / Google Photos
My parents’ Yuge 両親の弓削
20200611-21mv / Google Photos click the following photo to see each photos. 下の写真をクリックすると一覧表示されます。 20200613-17 fishing / Google Photos
【R-lab】Development of local specialties 地元特産品の開発
20200518 wild boar soap mv / Google Photos 20200517 wild boar soap / Google Photos