Seeding wheat 小麦の種まき

It is said that wheat should be seeded until Nov 20. I cut weeds in a hurry, and asked my father to cultivate the area many times the other day. Finally, I am ready to seed wheat.

I couldn’t cultivate 1/3 of the area to the end because some of immature squash are still there. But I can’t wait anymore, so I harvested all of them reluctantly. In rainless August, Mots san carried water by tank and did watering a few times, so they could survive. Immature squashes wiil be goat feeds.

As always, it didn’t rain in this August here in Kamijima town, either. This is the reason why rice can’t grow in Yuge which doesn’t have enough irrigation facility. Many farmlands in Sashima has no public water system like ours, so everybody collects rain water for farming except for a certain area. So local people used to advice me the importance which crops we should grow according to the environment. Such crops must grow under less water, very hot temperature and survive under lower than 0 degree cercius in winter sometimes.

Anyway, I could seed some wheat this winter. But about barley, time’s up. I couldn’t prepare the area for barley. I am very sad. I got barley seeds from professional farmer in Toon city of Ehime in the summer two years ago. I seeded, grew, and harvested barley in the early summer last year and kept all barley for seeding this winter. But I failed to seed them. Probably, I had better eat them and get new seeds for next season.



