Nephew grows up fast 甥の成長は早い

I am surprized that how fast three-year-old boy grows up. He enjoys every summer in Yuge and has many experiences.

  • Making bread in the shape of character, Anpan-man etc..
  • Challenging bicycle.
  • Swimming in the ocean
  • Dance show he is practicing in his kindergarden
  • Playing store in front of farmer’s market in Sashima
  • Petting goats
  • Singing, dancing and playing on the second floor deck

I am looking forward to next visiting!


  • キャラクターの形をしたパンづくり。アンパンマンとか。。
  • 自転車に挑戦
  • 海水浴
  • 幼稚園で練習しているダンスのショウ
  • 佐島のしまのひろば前で、お店屋さんごっこ
  • ヤギとのふれあい(だんだん扱いも上手になってきました)
  • 2階のデッキで、歌って、踊って、遊びました


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