Memories of summer in Yuge and Sashima 2018 弓削と佐島の夏の思い出

Two families visiting us from Kansai enjoyed summer vacation in Yuge and Sashima.
Their fulfilling overnight trip was as follows;

Day 1

  • First up is swimming. Everybody went to the beach in front of house shortly after arrival. A family visiting us again decided to install their tent on the deck facing the sea which is opposite to where they did last year.
  • Streaming noodle for lunch. Watershoots made from bamboo last year worked well. We found Inaniwa udon is good, too.
  • Canoeing after lunch. Boys enjoy having a paddle in the ocean.
  • Meat and sea food BBQ for dinner. Our style doesn’t use carcoal, instead, makes a fire with branches after goats eat the leaves. Local friends provided various vegetables from his kitchen garden.
  • Fireworks after dinner for children. Bar time for adults. We relaxed and enjoy talking against the fireworks.
  • Some slept in a tent on the deck., and others on the sofa bed.

Day 2

  • Exploration of next island, Sashima by canoe with electric motor. After 30 minutes’ canoeing, we arrived in our beach front farm in Sashima. The sea water was very clear there.
  • Each one enjoy swimming and fishing.
  • Pizza delivery service for lunch. In fact, we just carried some pieces of pizza baked at home in yuge. The pizza was very gorgepous because the topping was leftover sea food last night.
  • They went back to yuge by electric canoe and went home in Kansai by car.

See you next year!



  • まず最初は泳ぐ. 到着直後にみんな家の前のビーチへ泳ぎに出かけました。昨年も来てくれた家族は、昨年とは反対側の海に面したデッキにテントを設置しました。
  • ランチは流しそうめん 。昨年作った竹の流し器は今年も活躍。流し稲庭うどん、もなかなかいけました。
  • ランチの後はカヌー。男の子たちは海でカヌーを楽しみました。
  • 夕食は肉と海鮮のBBQ 。ここでは、炭を使う代わりに、ヤギが葉を食べた後の枝で火を起こすスタイル。弓削の友人が家庭菜園の野菜を提供してくれました。
  • 夕食後、子供たちは花火。大人はバータイム。花火を背景にゆっくり会話を楽しみました。
  • デッキの上のテントで就寝またはソファベッドで就寝。


  • 隣島の佐島へ電動カヌーで探検電動カヌー30分で、佐島の海沿いの畑に到着。ここの海の水はとても透明でした。
  • それぞれ泳ぎと釣りを楽しみました。
  • ピザデリバリーサービスでランチ。 実際は、弓削の自宅で焼いたピザを私達が運んだだけのこと。昨夜のBBQで余った海鮮をトッピングして、とてもゴージャスなピザになりました。
  • 電動カヌーで弓削に戻り、車で関西へ帰宅。


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