第44回 「老船長のLOGBOOK」を英訳しよう 44th Let’s translate “Old captain’s Logbook” into English


2021年4月1日より、開催場所がRenaissance ルネサンス@弓削鎌田148-1へ変わりました。 オンライン会場はこちら。お気軽にご参加ください!

A familiar container cargo appeared in about 1970. Our captain was very excited to board a container ship for the first time. The ship, however, encountered prolonged strike by dockworkers on the second voyage and was forced to stop.

One of members told that her father's company often receive strike at that time, too. We haven't heard of any strikes lately, have we?
Our translation work also came to a halt for a while.

Workers in foreign countries goes on strike but we don't hear a news of strike in Japan. Is it because that worker's condition was improved ? No. It had been reported online that a labor's group of Japanese company tried to go on strike but failed. Going on strike itself seems to hit the wall now.

After translation class, I introduced summary of the law lecture in Yuge-Shosen(Marine) college this week. Kaneto san, who was invited as a guest lecturer, gave a lecture on elections. He had the students answer a series of simple questions he had prepared, and was careful not to worry if the students didn't understand or if they were wrong. shamed of failure or unknown. I also learned a lot from his way of lecturing. It was well received by the members of the translation group, and they talked about having him speak to the townspeople as well. I would like to do the same.

We had delicious lunch together some members served at noon. It is necessary, specially now to talk and eat together casually. Unfortunately, it is impossible to share real lunch with online participants tho.

After lunch, I stopped by Mots Land and found another solar panels were installed. I am surprised how fast grasses grow every day!


メンバーの一人が言うには、彼女の父親の会社でも当時よくストライキがあったとのことです。 最近はストライキを聞かなくなりましたよね?


翻訳講座の後、 今週弓削商船高専で行った法学講義をダイジェストで紹介しました。 ゲスト講師に迎えた兼頭さんが、選挙について講義してくれました。用意した簡単な問いを次々と学生に答えさせながら、生徒が分からなくても、間違っていても、気にならないよう気を配っていました。彼の講義の仕方は私にとっても大変勉強になりました。 翻訳会メンバーにも好評で、町民向けにも話してもらいたいという話になりました。私もそうしたいと思っています。


昼食後、Mots Landに立ち寄ると、またまたソーラーパネルが設置されていました。草の伸びる早さに驚く毎日です。
