Installing wild bore trap イノシシの罠を設置

Strong helper, my father organized partking area, cultivated our garden in Sashima, and took care of goats in Yuge.

Mr. Uranaka install trap of wild bore in our garden of Sashima. Wild bore entered our garden many times, dug out olive trees and destroyed farming area. At first, hunter was looking for a path of wild bore and decide the place to install trap.

Each hunter seems to have eash way of intalling trap.
I used to see a trap which was looped and put on top of hole hidden with leaves. The other end of wire was tied to thick wood. If wild bore step on the center of the loop of wire, leg will be tied with wire and can't be escaped. Mr. Uranaka used short pieces of water pipe as double layer, looped wire around the smaller pipe, stacked it on the bigger pipe and install all of it in a hole. It was hidden with leaves finally. We patroll almost every day, but wild bore was not caught yet.




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