Pickled olive オリーブの塩漬け

Oct 17, 2018 Wed
Miguel milked goat early morning. Daniel moved on to his next call, and Miguel went out to Fukuyama. We had to leave early morning to pick up an imported cargo in Hiroshima port, so Daniel and Miguel got on the first ferry together.

Oct 21, 2018 Sun
Mots san made pickled olive. He made a small portion of hot pepper and garlic-flavored pickled olive. It tastes good. Probably because our olives were small, so astringency was removed in a short time and could make pickls quickly.

I took Miguel to my friend's citrus farm. There were many kinds of citrus there. We learned how to graft citrus.

2018年10月17日 水曜日
ミゲールは早朝に搾乳。ダニエルは次の訪問先へ向けて出発、ミゲールは福山へ出かけました。 私たちは広島港で輸入貨物を引き取るため早朝に出発しなければならなかったので、ダニエルとミゲールも一緒に始発のフェリーに乗りました。

2018年10月21日 日曜日


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