Correcting how to hold the chopsticks 箸の持ち方を矯正

Owing to cleaning of Daniel, we can show everybody Radio museum  inside DENKI house, finally! He spent all day for that. We very much appreciate his big job.

Yuki and Shiro had buffet-style breakfast. I put their leash and open the gate, they walk straightforwardly to sweet potato vines Tachibana san brought yesterday. Next, they take a few-minuite walk and ate acorns one by one. Their mouths look very busy. I can't take my eyes off their lip each time they eat acorns.

Miguel builds pizza oven step by step. Today is a big day in his life. He wrote Japanese words for the first time! He wrote a note of thanks to farmers he visited the other day and delivered the note with bread he baked by bicycle.

Daniel has a close friend in Nagasaki and often visits Japan. He had two Japanese recipe books. He told that he often buy canned flavored fried tofu and show me how to make one of his favorite using it. Canned flavored fried tofu! Foreginers sometimes surprise me at Japanese food in the world.

Three foreigners enjoy using chopsticks. But Mots san noticed and tried to correct Miguel's holding position of chopsticks. He holds lower positon than normal. Mos san and Daniel shows Miguel how to hold chopsticks. He is struggling with it. Don't mind. Breaking a habit takes time.






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