Discovering Farms in Yuge Island and Sashima 弓削島と佐島の農地探訪

Miguel from Spain now staying in Yuge proceeds with making pizza oven this morning here in Renaissance.

It’s Tuesday. I opened “Local food chain” as an exchange goat milk products for vegetable or donation in front of farmer’s market in Sashima at noon time. At about 1pm, Mots san, Miguel, Tomomi san who works for Shima de Cafe and her friends, Ngoc san got together and had lunch with nice cheese cake Miguel baked. Mots san asked Tomomi san to let Miguel having a look around local farms because Miguel hopes to be a farmer seriously in countryside. Ngoc san from Thailand now studying in Nara arrived in Yuge just now and joined them.


今日は火曜日。私は昼時、佐島のしまのひろば前で、ヤギミルクやその加工品と野菜や寄付とを交換する活動、”食の輪”を開催しました。1時ごろ、モッツさん、ミゲール、しまでカフェで働くともみさん、彼女の友人のゴックさと一緒に、ミゲールお手製のチーズケーキ付きランチを楽しみました。ミゲールは、田舎で農業をしたいと真剣に考えているので、モッツさんは、ともみさんへ、ミゲールに地元の農地を案内してほしいとお願いしていました。 ゴックさんは、タイから留学して奈良で研究していて今日弓削に到着したばかりで、一緒に畑の見学をしました。

Miguel’s Report
“Discovering Farms in Yuge Island and Sashima”

I was introduced to some of the farms of the area, my guide were two very nice young ladies. As every Tuesday we had lunch in the farmer`s market of Sashima Island, where Yuko of Renaissance exchanges some of the goat cheese, milk and other products.

So our friends came and picked me up to show me around, firstly we visited the farm of Mieko Okamura-San, where they grow western and Japanese cotton, these cotton is sold to Tachibana Textil in Muraishima Island, a local company that uses it to make purses, and other nice bags.
Also they showed me kaffir lime trees, we tasted the leaves, nice citrus smell and taste.>

Then we went to Shimako Murakami-San`s farm, also in Sashima Island, when we arrived she was taking a nap, so we visited her garden, which is almost in front of our house, she has planted many veggies and some fruits. After some minutes she arrived and invited me to harvest anything I wanted from her garden, I didn’t want to get many things, but she gave me a bag full of food and I added some figs. We were very happy and thankful for her generosity.

We headed back Yuge Island, before going to the next farm they showed me a traditional salt farm, and I had the chance to taste this delicious salt. The process is simple, they boil sea water for about two weeks, until all the sea water is evaporated, rendering high quality salt.

We arrived the farm managed by Kiyoko Umakoshi-San, a very smily and happy lady, who showed us some of the secrets of her farm, such as using sea weed as fertilizer. She has a big garden, very clean and well organized. We had some nice chat, she is friend of Yuko, and gave us some Goya (bitter watermelon), which we have been eating lately for dinner, very delicious! :)

Nice day discovering the islands, I am very grateful to my guides and to the owners of the farms, I had a great time! Thank you :)








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