Smoked Lunch Meeting

Smoked lunch meeting was held at Mr. Hamada’s garden in spite of rain.

How to develop east Nagaiso, Sashima and planning of regular event there.


  1. At first, installation of toilet., the first. Installing a toilet Mots san imported. It should have user-friendly usability and exterior, specialy for ladies.
  2. Considering what we installed to where, and showing it on a map of our plan of the development.
  3. Each event should comprise a combination of outdoor activity and cooking, and be all-day event through morning to evening.
  4. Perticipant is not limited to just children. It is ideal that each perticipant can acquire practical skills from the event such as food education and skill of usage of tools for children, and disaster response skill for adults.

Future action:
On July, installing a toilet of No.1 by all members and building a map.
On Aug 4 Sat, 1st event will be held. The activity is “playing at rocky shore” and the outdoor cooking is “summer vegetable pasta(which is subject to further slippage)”.




  1. 第一にトイレ。モッツさんが輸入済みのバイオトイレを設置する。女性も抵抗なく使える使い勝手、外観にする。
  2. 何をどこに配置するかを決めて、開拓計画のマップを作成する。
  3. イベントは、常にアクティビティと野外料理の組み合わせとし、午前から午後の一日開催型とする。
  4. イベントの対象は、子供に限らない。このイベントに参加した方それぞれが実践的なスキルを身に着けることができれば理想的。例えば、子供には食育や道具の扱いスキル、大人には災害対応スキルなど。

8月4日(土) 第1回イベントを開催。アクティビティーは「磯遊び」、野外料理は「夏野菜のパスタ(変更の可能性あり)」。

Here is a revised version of the map we made. We welcome your opinion! Thank you. こちらが作成したマップ(訂正版 7/2)。ご意見大歓迎!

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