Our helper returns 私達の助っ人再来

My father came again from Gifu. He helped us a great deal.
I think he was very tired because he did the following stuff in one week.

  • Collecting goat feeds and feeding animals
  • Repairing damaged chicken coop
  • Digging a deep hole and installing a big column at the entrance of goat farm
  • Cutting grass in our garden
  • Making sunshade with Japanese paper by hanging it at the window in my workshop
  • Organizing parking area in front of our house almost every morning
  • Cleaning our Kei truck and our Kei car
  • Teaching how to drive Kei truck controlled with manual transmission
  • Driving a Kei truck with a manual transmission to Matsuyama for changing ownership
  • Chaning old closet changed into Record shelf by reinforcing the bottom   etc.. 

Something is wrong with my digital camera, so I couldn’t take so many pictures during his stay this time. It reminds me that he told me that he had been a little sick… Probably, he couldn’t care himself when facing our messed up place lol.


  • ヤギの餌採集と、ヤギ・鶏の餌やり
  • 壊れた鶏小屋の修理
  • ヤギ牧場の入り口に深い穴を掘って、長い柱を設置
  • 畑の草刈り
  • 私の作業部屋内の窓につるすタイプの日よけを和紙で作成
  • 家の横の駐車スペースを、ほぼ毎朝草刈りと片付け
  • 私達の軽トラックと軽自動車の掃除
  • マニュアル車の軽トラックの運転教習
  • その車の名義変更のために、運転して松山を往復
  • 古いタンスの底を補強してレコード収納棚へリフォーム  などなど
[AFG_gallery id='93']