Exchange Diary 交換日記 No.30 ☀/⛄/⛅

Shall we Grab something you make or you don't need but someone may need, Visit to Engawa in yugeshima, Exchange yours for livestock products, homemade sweets and something else, Enjoy talking with local people?

For example, Today's exchange were like this.



Today’s Animal products were 10 cage-free eggs in last week >>Chickens are fine.

Today’s Sweets were “Whole wheat bread, Prezzel made from sesame and ginger”
>>Ingredients of whole wheat bread are flour, whole wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, fat-free milk powder, water. Ingredients of prezzel are made from sesame, flour, egg white, sugar and grated ginger. I chose sweets using ginger to make body hot.
The whole wheat bread will be served in Curry & Jam session on Feb 25.

Today’s drink was “hot lemonade with ginger and a little bit honey”
>>Ingredients of whole wheat bread are flour, whole wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, fat-free milk

Ms. Fukuda “Big sea weeds sheet of Yuge, Wakame of Yuge, handmade sack and red sweater”
>>Big sea weeds are special for me. I want to make Nori roll from that even if I am bad at it. We haven’t harvested Wakame by ourselves yet, so I was glad to get it. The handmade sack made by her daughter is beautiful and I used it for storing clothes during trip. Red sweater fits me and is very warm.

Ms. Kida ”Homemade acrylic scrubber”
>>New type of leaf was joined. She said that she became to watch around to find variation of leaves, so I followed her and gazed at loquat leaves when feeding goats.

Mr. Ise ” Barley sweets, teacher of acrylic leaves”
>>I learned how to make a leaf of acrylic scrubber. I am a beginner of crocheting but was making it over chatting, so it timed up before finishing it. Teacher Ise finished one leaf quickly. Later, I tried to make it by watching YouTube. The leaf I made became 1.5 times bigger than that teacher made. Need training!

Ms. Onishi ”Harehime, a kind of citrus”
>> I wanted to learn something from her! I asked her a story of changing managing Fespa, a local hotel which I heard from now manager by showing me an article about it. I felt that stories depends on who they talk.
My personal interest is not serious. I just hope a store providing big bath would keep open after April. On the other hand, “Fespa gives jobs for local people in small island, and our tax is used for keeping it”, which push me think whether we can do anything. Just criticizing is not interesting for me. I started to confirm the fact.

Mots san joined by motorbike. Heat pump works well and Ms. Fukuda turned on kerosin stove, so the room was warm. He was walking here and there in the room.

Mr. Murakami entered into ENGAWA during patrol. He will alart about cheating of letting wiring. A member of senior people supporters group who got suspicious card asked him to talk about it. He used to work as a detective and treated such crimes. It takes some time to freeze bank account by regular procedure, so criminal stole enough money and escaped when the bank account was closed. It’s difficult.

Debut Internet I have thought I got encyclopedia for free!

今日の畜産物は、平飼い卵 10 個 >>快調です。

今日のおやつは、“全粒粉のパン、ゴマと生姜のプレッツェル(薄焼きクッキー)” >>全粒粉のパンの材料は、強力粉、全粒粉、砂糖、サラダ油、スキムミルク、水。プレッツェルの材料は、ゴマ、小麦粉、卵白、砂糖、生姜のすりおろし。少しでも体が暖まるかな?と、生姜を使ったお菓子にしてみました。


今回のドリンクは、“生姜と少々のはちみつ入りホットレモネード” >>なかなか好評。生姜で体の中から暖まろう。
福田さんの“弓削の大判海苔、弓削のワカメ、手作りの袋、手編みの赤いセーター” >>大判の海苔は、とても特別なイメージ。海苔巻きが作りたくなる。苦手だけど。ワカメ、今年の分を未だに収穫できていないのでうれしい。今週末こそ海へ。娘さんお手製の張りのある美しい模様の袋は、旅行のときに小物を入れたり重宝しそう。いろんな模様が編み込まれたセーターは袖丈ぴったり、ぽかぽかしてお気に入り。



>>ちょうど聞きたかった!と捕まえて、最近フェスパの支配人から新聞の切り抜きを見せてもらいながら聞いた、フェスパ経営の委託業者変更のいきさつを質問。事実は一つでも、立場が違えば語られる内容も違うとあらためて実感。 個人的な関心は、身内やお客さんを案内できる大きいお風呂屋さんが、4月以降も開店してたらいいな、という程度。だけど、「フェスパは、小さい島の貴重な雇用を生み、税金が少なくない規模で使われている」とみれば、町民としてなにかできないかと考えたくなるのも自然。批判ばかりじゃ楽しくないし。まずは事実把握から。



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