Wild Boar Meat from Yuge, the best taste in Japan 日本一のうまさ、弓削産猪肉

SRL Introduction


No.1 Yuge wild boar hunter group

Contributes protection of local crop by hunting destructive animals and local business by treating the meat carefuly. They are indispensable people for living safely in yuge.

  • Wild boar meat from Yuge is the meat that Professional chef said "This is the best wild boar meat in Japan!" at the meeting of tasting wild boar meat in Japan.
  • Wild boar meat from Yuge is sold by wild boar hunter group in yuge. Restaurants in Fukuyama, Kyoto and others order constantly, and it is served as shool lunch in yuge elementary school. The student told me that "croquette of wild boar tastes good!".
  • You can't order by part of meat because of hunting meat, but they serve appropriate one if you tell the usage of the meat when you order.
  • Whole meat of wild boar from Yuge costs 3000 yen per kg. Sliced meat costs 3500 yen per kg. call/fax +81-897-77-3327 (Japanese only), email info@yugeshima.com (English is available)



No.1 弓削猟友会


  • 弓削産猪肉は、日本中の猪肉を食べ比べる会で、料理の専門家に「日本一の猪肉!」と太鼓判を押されたお肉です。。
  • 弓削産猪肉は、弓削の猟友会が販売しています。福山や京都などのレストランから定期的に注文が入るほか、地元弓削小学校の給食用にも提供されています。「猪コロッケ、おいしいよ!」と小学生が教えてくれました。
  • 捕獲数に応じて提供されるため、肉の部位の指定できませんが、注文時に焼肉用やしゃぶしゃぶ用などの調理用途をお知らせすれば、適宜ご対応いただけます。
  • 弓削産猪肉は、塊肉が3000円/kg、薄切り肉が3500円/kgです。ご購入は0897-77-3327へお電話又はFax(番号同じ)でどうぞ!