

一般社団法人愛媛県ひきこもり・不登校支援及び就労支援協議会(EASSAS イーサス)は、愛媛県において、ひきこもり、不登校に陥り、社会的に繋がることができず苦しむ県⺠を取り残さないために活動を⾏うことを目的に、2023年11月に設立された団体です。医療・福祉・教育・心理・就労支援・行政・企業・当事者などのメンバーが横の繋がりをしっかり作り、縦に進むチーム(HP代表挨拶より)。

日 時:2024年9月21日(土)13:00~16:30  開 場:12:30  
会 場:松山市医師会館いきいきホール 松山市藤原2丁目4番70号
参加費:1000円 (当日会場にてお支払いください)


今年4月、佐島のMots Landを再訪した友人の紹介で、EASSASメンバーのお一人と初めてご縁ができました。Mots Landにいろんな刺激を受けて今後のヒントを得たという彼女は、以降、松山から愛媛北端の上島町へ頻繁に通うように。その都度新たなEASSASのメンバーをお連れになり、代表理事も2度もご来島、私も島の友人たちをご紹介したり、遠かった松山を身近に感じるようになりました。お会いしたEASSASのメンバーはみんなとても仲が良く、気にかけている子どもや若者たちの近況や情報を頻繁に交わしていたのが印象的でした。「横の繋がりをしっかり作る」ってこういうことなんですね。

彼女のおかげで、新たな視点に気づき、Mots Landの活動の幅も広がりそうです。

We share the information about the lecture.

Ehime Association for School & Social Accessibility Support (EASSAS) is an organization established in November 2023 with the aim of carrying out activities in Ehime Prefecture to ensure that those who suffer from withdrawal and truancy and are unable to connect socially are not left behind. The team consists of members from medical, welfare, education, psychology, employment support, government, business, and the affected parties, etc., who firmly establish horizontal connections and move forward vertically.

The 2nd EASSAS Lecture is a "round table to think together with specialists in various fields about the kind of support for non-attendance that is required nowadays". Please register in advance using this form to participate.
Date & Time: September 21, 2024 13:00 ~ 16:30
Place: Matsuyama Medical Center, online delivery available (fee required)
Fee: ¥1,000 advance registration required Application Form

She told me that, we learned that Matsuno and Kamijima are the only towns in the prefecture that do not have day classes, and that if there is a request from the community to create a day class for elementary and junior high school students in Kamijima who need support and care within the school, we would like to hear from the community. It reminded me of related articles from past town bulletins, so I provided it to her. The article introduced the development of a "digital support room," taking into account the unique characteristics of Kamijima-cho as a remote island. She said, "I see!". Imabari City has set up support rooms in all elementary and junior high schools. Are there anyone who need real support in Kamijima-cho? If there is, if you speak up, it might create an opportunity for EASSAS to support you.

In April of this year, a friend of mine revisited Mots Land in Sashima and introduced me to one of the EASSAS members for the first time, who said that Mots Land gave her various stimulating hints for the future, and since then she has been frequently commuting from Matsuyama to Kamijima-cho on the northern tip of Ehime. Each time, she brought new EASSAS members with her, and the president of EASSAS visited the island twice. I have also introduced her to my friends on the island and we have deepened our relationship. I was impressed by the fact that all EASSAS members I met on the island were very close and frequently exchanged updates and information about their children and youth they cared about. This is what they mean by "building strong horizontal ties".

Thanks to her, Mots Land will be able to expand its activities.