GO OUTSIDE 7th Trial of small party's experience 少人数のお試し体験

May 4 and 5, 2020
Let's celebrate children's day!
My friend's family in Kamijima town visited us to enjoy various handmade experiences.
Let us know if you or your family wants to have experience like this!

---Today's Experience---
1. Milking goat
2. Collecting eggs from under chicken sitting in chicken coop
3. Making dumpling for dinner
4. Baking bread, pretzel for breakfast
5. Making tacos for lunch
6. Making pudding out of goat milk
7. Pancake art with leftover of Baumkchen dough

1. Making three tastes of Baumkuchen with bamboo and fire
2. Making bamboo shoot rice with bamboo container


1. ヤギの搾乳
2. 鶏小屋に座っている鶏の腹の下に手をつっこんで、採卵
3. 夕ご飯に、ぎょうざづくり
4. 朝ごはんに、パンづくり。今回はプレッチェル
5. ランチに、タコスづくり
6. ヤギミルクプリンづくり
7. パンケーキアート(バウムクーヘン生地の残りで)

1. 竹と火を使って、プレーン・ココア・抹茶の3種バウムクーヘンづくり
2. 竹飯盒でタケノコごはん

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