Play with woods 木で遊ぶ

Jan 20, 2020 (Mon) 2020年1月20日(日)

In not winter but other seasons, I often cut some woods to feed goats on the leaves. Goats' favorite is leaves of elm and the elm tree is very hard and suitable for fuel. I asked Mots san to bring back leftover of elm trees I cut about two years ago. They get dry enough to use for wood stove and get lighter, so it was easy to carry them. Denis from Greek helped to cut and load them onto Kei truck.


I use one branch of elm to make round bar for use in toilet paper holder. It was so excited about watching a change from natural woods to a craft. Elm trees are very hard and it is generally known that hard wood is not good for wood craft because blade become dull easily. But we can get local wood and bamboo easily for free and sometimes they are treated like a nuisance , so I prefer to use them for wood craft. The toilet paper holder will be installed to a bathroom in Sashima.


A small cutting board I made was bent, so I tried to recover by press. The wood press is also hand-made by Nakayama san. I impress and enjoy his creativity.


Recently I think there is increasing interest in wood craft slowly around me. Most members of wood craft club are male but I think female is also cut out for wood craft. My female friend and I often make kitchen tool with wood such as dishes, tray, bowl, jam knife, turner, spoon and fork. DIY such as hand craft gives us good chance to learn, for example, knowledge of materials, relationship between structure and function etc and stimulates our creativity. Above all, it's fun! Our wood craft club welcomes experience. Please tell us if you want to try wood craft!

最近、私の周りで、木工への関心が高まっているような気がしています。木工クラブのメンバーはほとんど男性ですが、実は女性も木工に向いているように思っています。女友達と私はよく木で台所周りの作品、たとえばお皿やトレイ、お椀、ジャムへら、ターナー、スプーンやフォークなどをつくっています。手工芸などのDIYは、素材の知識や、構造と機能の関係などいろんなことを学ぶチャンスになるし、創造力も刺激されます。そしてなにより、楽しい! 私たち木工クラブは体験歓迎です。木工を試してみたい方、どうぞお声がけください!

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