One-day kids drinking milk well 上手にミルクを飲む生後1日目の子ヤギたち
Jan 4, 2020 (Sat) 2020年1月4日(土)
Kids are not good at drinking milk just after birth. The breast may be too big to put it in their mouth. Milk in one week just after birth is very important for goats just like human, so owner should care whether kids can drink milk enough and may need to support them. I lifted up the big breast of Yuki and kids could put it in their mouth. Two boy kids already compete to get the bigger breast. They are fine!
I finally finished to harvest sweet potatoes, so cultivated the farm with tiller, furrowed with hoe and seeded wheat. I know it is too late, but no seeds no harvest. In our case, even leaves can be used for goat feeds. I could seed only 5 ridges today. Ridge is necessary for not wheat but sweet potato. According to Harayama san’s method, sweet potato is planted just after wheat harvested just by cutting stem, which is kind of no-tilling farming. I was really impressed the less labor method when I saw and learned it.