Off-Grid life trial camp + Three workshops オフグリッド体験お試しキャンプと3種のワークショップ

We welcomed a group from Matsuyama, Ehime, for a 3-day/2-night trial camp at Mots Land in Sashima. It was a very hot day, and everyone looked tired when they arrived by car, but after a short rest and playing in the ocean, they revived. By the third day, they had become accustomed to living off-grid, […]

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Bamboo craft 竹

弓削島で久しぶりにてしごと市が開催されました。竹とんぼづくり体験も久しぶりです。 今回、体験メニューに竹の弓矢づくりを追加したら、参加者が殺到。竹とんぼづくりで、じっくり小刀に慣れてもらいたい、との主催者の思惑とは裏腹に。 弓矢は、完成まで工程が少なく、用意した射的場ですぐに遊べる。一方、竹とんぼは、細かい細工が続き少し根気がいって、完成しても慣れてなかったり羽の具合でうまく飛ばないこともある。 竹とんぼは上級編?今回弓矢を楽しんだみんなが、次は竹とんぼに挑戦してもらえるといいな。 Handwork market was held on Yugeshima for the first time in a long while. It has also been a long time since the last time we had a bamboo-copter making experience. This time, when we added making bamboo bows and arrows to the workshop menu, we were inundated with participants. Contrary […]

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