Olive harvesting and Having a baby of Yuki and Baron オリーブ収穫と、ユキとバロンの子作り

Today's breakfast is Miguel's sourdough bread.

Shiro is very concerned about feeds outside while I am milking Yuki. Chickens are happy to drink goat milk. Rooster doubled in size compared with hens though they were the same size a few months ago.

Miguel hollowed out steamed chestnut with a spoon and Daniel strained it. I mixed strained chestnut and sugar and made a round shape with cloth. This is a traditional sweet chestnuts in my hometown, Gifu. It is so simple that the taste might have been boring for foreigners. But I must say that the real one made by Japanese sweets artisan tastes more delicious.

Miki san from Niigata and Kotake san from Yamaguchi arrived and had lunch together on the ocean deck. They seemed to enjoy surrounding scenery from the heart. After lunch, Daniel washed all dishes. He washes dishes after dinner every day. Thank you very much!

Today's main event is olive harvesting. We started to pick olives by hands, then Miguel says, "I will show you how to harvest olives in Spain!". Yes, Spain is an olive country. He directed to put plastic sheet underneath olive trees and tapped olive trees with bamboo. Yes, it is reasonable way to harvest olives and we could save our time for that. Thank you, Miguel!

Mots san invites everybody to go swimming. Guests were surprised how warm the water and enjoyed swimming with Mots san. Thank you for swimming with Mots san, Mikisan and Kotake san!

I took Yuki to bucks farm while they were swimming because Yuki in heat was noisy from this morning. Yuki seems to enjoy traveling by car.
We arrived in bucks farm. Our goats are two female and two male. I pair smaller female, Yuki with bigger male, Baron to get a little goat because most people like a little goat which is easy to take care of.
At first, I separate Horn from Baron by taking outside the farm area. Next, I leash Baron for separating him from Yuki after mating easily. Then, I took Yuki to meet Baron to buck's farm. Yuki is wagging her tail and approaches Baron very slowly. Finally, Baron could meet Yuki. After mating, Yuki gets away from Baron soon and walks toward exit .
After Yuki comes back to my car, I release Baron from leash.
Then, I took Horn back to buck's farm. But Horn found Yuki and was very excited, so it needed some time and much power to take him back. Baron and Horn have been excited after Yuki leaves for a while. Yuki watches boys when she leaves.
I always feel guilty for not letting them together for some time. Anyway, Yuki's due date is about five months later from now.







そして、ホルンをヤギ牧場へ戻そうとしたところ、ホルンがユキを見つけて大興奮。ようやく連れ戻しました。 バロンとホルンはユキが去った後もしばらく興奮し続けてました。ユキも帰り際、オスヤギを眺め続けていました。

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