Threshing wheat and barley 小麦と大麦の脱穀

Yuya san who is a farmer practicing natural farming method in Marufu natural farm grows rice and owns threshing machine. He is willing to let me use his machine for threshing my wheat every year, which is very helpful for me. Because I used to spend countless hours trying to thresh them with hand until then. See threshing triticale in 2015.

Yuya san and his friend, Takebayashi san helped to thresh my crop. They did very skillfully because they have threshed both of wheat and rice harvested in Marufu natural farm many times. And our crop was small in amount, so it was done in one hour.

I will use all hulled wheat and barley will be used for seeds next season, though we could enjoy cooking with harvested wheat last year. See “Making pasta from harvested wheat“. I hope to grow more and to be able to eat the harvest like this next season.

まるふ農園で自然農法を実践する農家のゆうやさんはお米を育てていて、自分の脱穀機を持っています。これを毎年快く使わせてくれるので、大変助かっています。それまでは、とんでもない時間をかけて脱穀していたので。例えば 2015年にはライ小麦の脱穀を手で



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