Before and after heavy rain 大雨の前後

  • I heard a little big sound and Mots san found a landslide at a mountain faced on next farm. I found many damages from a landslide on the way to bucks’ farm.
  • Chicken coop were submerged. Chickens went upstairs and quails were carried to home in a box for safety. Now rain stopped and it was fine finally and the soil got dry, so chickens and goats could go outside now.
  • Even in such a heavy rain, goats provide milk, chickens lay an egg, and they feed. I milk them but water stopped, so I have to waste them…
  • Anyway, everybody is fine here.
  • 大きな音が聞こえて、モッツさんが隣の畑に面した山のがけが崩れたのを見つけました。オスヤギ牧場へ行く途中で、たくさんがけ崩れの被害を見かけました。
  • 鶏小屋が浸水。鶏は2階へ、ウズラは箱に入れて自宅へ避難。今は雨がやみ、ようやく晴れて地面が乾いたので、鶏もヤギも外に出ることができます。
  • こんな大雨でも、ヤギはミルクを出し、鶏は卵を産み、そして餌を食べます。ミルクを絞りますが、断水中なので、無駄になってしまいます。。
  • とにかく、こちらはみんな大丈夫です。
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