Goat Farm Board ヤギ牧場掲示板

  • A pile of vegetables! Thank you, goat friends!!
  • Bucks farm faces on a street many local people often back and forth, which is a good place to put a board. I hung some papers about goats such as brief introduction of Horn and Baron, their illustration Ogo san as a goat keeper drew, and Goat Farm Board showing recent small episode. I hope neighbors and visitors enjoy them. Mochizuki san as another goat keeper said that a little child called “Horn!” from a car when passing in front of bucks farm. It seems successful.
  • All basckets are full of leaves in mountain. Many farmers make soil from that. Each bascket is not so heavy but it takes much time to collect leaves. I respect farmers doing such stuff.
  • Farmer becomes busy in this season. A couple neighbor arrived by their track with a lots of carried layered carrier bascket. They were full of fallen leaves they had raked in the mountain for making nutritious good soil. I often impressed such a local people who spend a lot of time and care on their farm land and share their good harvest with not only their friend but also new people.
  • Today is a South Sashima cleaning day of South Sashima for us. Mots san cut grasses around orive trees by big grass cutter and I organized branches we cut the other day. Peach and apricot trees had many bud and some figs have some but small fruits. Spring is coming here, too. Dave and Mika san came here to guide their friend, Kasue san who traveled from Osaka. After that, we enjoyed dinner with nice talk together.
  • オスヤギ牧場は、地元の人々が行き来する道路に面しているので、掲示板を置くのに最適な場所。ヤギに関する紙をぶら下げました。ホルンとバロンの簡単な自己紹介、ヤギ飼育係の小江さんによるオスヤギのイラスト、最近の出来事を書いたヤギ牧場掲示板など。ご近所や来てくれた方々に楽しんでもらえたらいいな、と。もう一人のヤギ飼育係の望月さんによると、ヤギ牧場の前を通る車の中から小さい子供が「ホル~ン!」と呼んでいたとのこと。成功したようです。
  • <今日は、私たちの南佐島の清掃日。モッツさんは大きい草刈機でオリーブの木の周りの草を刈りました。私は以前切った木の枝を片づけました。桃やあんずの木にたくさんつぼみが付いていて、イチジクには小さいけどいくつか実が付いていました。ここにも春がやってきています。デイヴとみかさんが、大阪からいらしたお友達のかずえさんを案内して来てくれました。その夜は、みんなで話をしながら食事を楽しみました。/li>