Hello, kids! こんにちは、子やぎさん!

  • I found Shiro with three kids in the morning! Shiro had already finished childbirth when I went to does’ house for feeding breakfast.
  • This was the third childbirth for Shiro. First time was one kid and second time was two kids. It seems that Shiro doesn’t mind if she has three kids at once for the first time.
  • Each kid has each character. One kid has blown hair, and two kids have white hair. One of White kid has black color inside ear and around eyes. They are very different. Why don’t you come and meet these cute kids?
  • 今朝、シロが3頭の子山羊といるのを見つけました。メス山羊へ朝の餌やりにいったときには、シロはすでに出産後。
  • 今回、シロは3度目の出産でした。1度目は1頭、2度目は2頭。初めて一度に3頭の子山羊が産まれても、シロは動じない様子です。
  • 子山羊はそれぞれ個性的。一頭は茶色、2頭は白色。白色のうち一頭は、耳の中や目のまわりがくろいです。それぞれとても違っています。このかわいい子山羊たちに会いに来ませんか?