Snowflakes スズランスイセン

  • We had rain in yuge but it stopped around noon.
  • Pretty snowflakes are found in a land next to our garden.
  • M&K dropped in here and gave me wonderful lunch box. Bamboo shoot in rice reminds me spring.
  • Some vegetables suddenly restart to grow by warm temperature.
  • Friendly chickens come running toward you if you step into our garden.
  • 弓削は雨でしたが、昼にはやみました。
  • かわいいスズランスイセンが畑の隣の空き地に咲いています。和名(慣用名)の由来どおり、花が鈴蘭、葉が水仙のよう。
  • MさんKさんペアが立ち寄り、素敵なお弁当を差し入れてくれました。筍ごはんに春を感じます。
  • 春の陽気で、野菜たちが突然成長を再開しています。
  • うちの畑に足を踏み入れると、人懐っこい鶏がたったったーっと駆け寄ってきます

2 thoughts on “Snowflakes スズランスイセン

  1. Mary Ellen Dennis says:

    We have the snowflakes also, except we call them "snowdrops"....they are harbingers of spring:)

    1. admin says:

      At first, I have thought "snowdrops" and "snowflakes" are the same but seem to be different according to the following site. "Snowdrops" bloom from February to March while "snowflakes" bloom from March to May . So I understand "snowdrops" are commonly found in cold area like your place! As trivial name in Japanese, "snowdrops" mean grass of waiting snow, while "snowflakes" mean lily of the valley (the flowers are similar to them) and narcissus (the leave are similar to them).


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