[M's perspective] Walkaway from Matrix 従来の環境から立ち去る

Marvin Motsenbocker, Mots promotes resilient community development on a small Japanese island, Yugeshima, where he teaches visitors how to solder, grow olives, and build out energy infrastructure.
No more engineers/scientists…….. only smart phones
Our minds are preoccupied with fake ideas. This causes unnecessary strife and even groundless hatred. Our daily living is un-moored from reality, wherein the mind is completely lost in gibberishville, a virtual reality brought to life by cell phones and youtube videos. But understanding and living in reality is the central contest of human existence and determines success from failure for individuals and their societies. Superstitions and crazy beliefs lead individuals and their societies into evolutionary dead ends in an unforgiving real world.
The search for truth is won by those who have the closest approximation to reality in their head, who’s vision of the universe most comports with the facts of reality. This is why science (a discipline of reality checking ideas about how the universe works) has successfully brought us out of the caves and banished superstition. The greatest individuals who advanced their societies the most, throughout history were those with a knack of seeing reality for what it is. These great reality worshipers, the Aristotles, Isaac Newtons, Galileos, Einsteins, George Washingtons, Benjamin Franklins, and Thomas Jeffersons put their own skin in the game of applying their ideas to the real world problems around them and wrestling with the consequences by accepting the reality check.
In a world of virtual reality brought to us by smarter phones and internet that replace direct observations, the ability to reality-check all the nonsense will determine who wins at the end of the day from the mass of losers who wallow in a self-absorbed idiotic life. The scientist-engineer, the INTJ/INTP personality, the quiet studious person who builds bridges and is concerned about their collapsing, has a special role to play in this new age of misinformation.
Who are these people now, and what are they doing to thrive despite the sea of misinformation and idiocracy that has taken over public life? They are building self sufficient communities, often by moving to the country but also by building gardens in the city. The would-be farmers and the technologists are rediscovering the joys and value that their ancestors experienced creating real wealth food and energy directly. Their escape from the matrix does not occur in a single dreamy step of taking a red pill or buying a plane ticket to Galt’s Gulch in Colorado. Instead, the long journey out of the matrix begins with a step and builds upon many little steps towards self sufficiency freedom, in a gradual release from bondage to virtual reality programming.
The first little steps toward freedom entail abandoning excessive dependency on Facebook and other social sites and replacing that time to face to face interact with neighbors, getting to know their problems and abilities and sharing both to solve common needs. Each such step away from the virtual reality matrix is a step towards community building and the creation of real wealth in a world that is slowly collapsing in both of these important categories.
A step away from the matrix and instead towards a true community of shared needs and solutions is warm and self reinforcing. In contrast to the “scarcity mentality” driven by the debt slavery paradigm of the banker profit led virtual reality brought by smarter phones, youtube videos and artificial news stories, there is a kind of “abundance mentality” in the countryside. Those who produce wealth freely share with their neighbors, who are prompted to reciprocate with their own specialized wealth product. Overcoming the challenges of patience, water, sunshine and nutrients to create and then share eating a tomato or onion is vastly more interesting and neighbor-news worthy than spending that time in the matrix. Supplying a small portion of electric energy with one’s own installed solar panels is another step. Such small step is a worthy achievement to a larger goal of getting off the grid and avoiding the internet-of-things spy net that is well on its way. Anyone, anywhere can take such steps out of the matrix. Each such interaction with reality to create real wealth such as food and energy clears the mind, and encourages further steps.
The original dark ages which followed the fall of another great empire gave way to an age of reason, led by reality checked, disciplined thinkers who used the new tools of the scientific method and the printing press to get their words out. Our new dark age of internet misinformation needs a similar focus with new disciplined methodology for removing nonsensical ideas that are amplified by profit driven internet persuasion. Walking away from the matrix of overreliance on social media by walking towards a friendly resource based community with constant little reality feedbacks from nature itself, is one place to start.
真実の探求に勝利するのは、頭の中が一番現実に即していて、世界観が現実と最も一致する者たちだ。だからこそ、科学(世界観の真偽を判断する学問)が、我々を洞窟から脱出させ、迷信を追放することに成功したのだ。歴史上、社会を最も発展させた偉大な人物は、現実をありのままに見るコツを身につけた人たちだった。アリストテレス、アイザック・ニュートン、ガリレオ、アインシュタイン、ジョージ・ワシントン、ベンジャミン・フランクリン、トーマス・ジェファーソンといった現実崇拝者たちは、自分のアイデアを現実世界の課題に適用し、真偽の判断(reality check)を受け止め、その結果と格闘することに自らの人生を賭けていた。
現実を直視せず、スマートフォンやインターネットがもたらす仮想現実に支配された世界では、すべての無意味なことの真偽を判断する(reality check)能力があるものが、最後的な勝者となり、一人よがりな愚かな人生にもがく多数が敗者となる。科学者・技術者や(性格判定テストの)INTJ/INTPの特性を持つ者、橋を架けてその崩落を心配する寡黙な勉強家たちは、誤った情報のあふれるこの新たな時代に、特別な役割を担っている。
従来の環境から離れ、ニーズと解決策を共有する真のコミュニティに向けて一歩踏み出すことは、心温まり、且つ自己を強化する。スマホやユーチューブの動画、フェイクニュース(疑わしい報道記事)がもたらす銀行家の利益主導の仮想現実、という債務奴隷のパラダイム(前提)に起因する「欠乏のメンタリティー」とは対照的に、田舎には一種の「豊かさのメンタリティー」がある。富を生産する者は隣人と自由に分かち合い、隣人はその人ならではの富の産物でお返しをするように促される。忍耐力、水、日光、養分などの課題を克服してトマトやタマネギを作り、それを食べることは、その時間を従来の環境で過ごすよりも、はるかに興味深く、地域の情報として価値がある。電気エネルギーの一部を自前のソーラーパネルでまかなうことも、新たな一歩である。このような小さな歩みは、送電網(グリッド)から離れ、着実に進むIoT(Internet of Things)スパイ網を回避するという大きな目標への価値ある成果である。従来の環境からこのような一歩を踏み出すことは、誰でも、どこでも可能だ。食料やエネルギーといった真の富を生み出すために現実と交流するたびに、心が晴れやかになり、さらなる一歩を踏み出すことができる。