15th Breakfast Party: Bridge 第15回朝食会:橋

Apr 29, 2020 (Wed)
The topic in the breakfast party today was about bridge.
Our islands have no bridge to main land. Do town people think that our town need such bridge if we think of the future of our town?

Of course it depends on the budget, but I thought such discussion is good chance to think about what our town's ideal future is.

Some years ago, my local friend thought to donate his own land in Yuge for use in nursing home and looked for a company which is interested in this proposal. His idea was that people who lives in Onomichi or Fukuyama probably use such nursing home in Yuge for their parents and such place can provide a chance of employment for local people. But all companies he told refused his proposal because there is no bridge to main land. They say that if a guest gets sick, his or her children cannot visit there because of no ferry at night, which is a problem. Then he argues that our town needs such bridge if we think of the future.

On the other hand, Mots san and my friend thinks we don't need bridge.

I cannot decide which is better so far.
We have decided to begin with listing merit and demerit of bridge.







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