Joining in 2nd Chatting Party@Iwagi 岩城で第2回おしゃべり会に参加
Sun Mar 29, 2020
Onishi san who is a only one woman of town councilperson in Kamijima-cho. She started a chatting party to listen to the voice of town people and explain what the reality is and how town congress deals with them. Today she gave us five pages of summary about questions and answer at the town congress with background, where those questions were provided by us last month. The following is a list of the topics.
- Red ink of Shio-yu, hot spring of ocean water
- What’s going on in committee of studying how public facilities should function
- Meeting place owned by District and procedure of the integration
- About migration
- Status of empty houses
- Future of ferry between Iwagi and Innoshima
- Solar panels installation in a residential area
- Concern about bankruptcy of the public finances in our town
- About town councilperson and town council
Such too many topics could not be brought to question in the town congress, but the paper we got shows summarized what we said and gave information of such as related budget, discussion history and the future we expect.
We, participants could understand because of her explanation about each topic. Town journal and congress news reports only part of the facts and less explanation of the meanings. If you join this chatting party, you can realize the meaning of the budget and how our tax is used, which push you to do something for that.
I keep one page report by one of congressman who joined in instruction course from a congress news and display on a board in front of my desk. The report says “If we think about the mission of local congress and local councilperson, they are (1) to summarize local political issues and local political information and disclose them…”. This chatting party is it but it is very rare curiously.
- 潮湯(海水の温浴施設)の赤字について
- 公共施設の在り方検討協議会が今どうなっているか
- 地区が持つ集会所と人が少なくなった地区同士の統合手続きの進め方について
- 移住について
- 空き家の現状
- 岩城と因島間のフェリーの今後
- 住宅地の中に設置される太陽光パネルの問題
- 私たちの町の財政破城の心配
- 議員と議会について