8th Breakfast Party: long time no see 第8回朝食会:お久しぶり

March 11, 2020 (Wed)
Four newcomers joined today. School officials such as teacher and school staff could come even weekday since schools close due to COVID-19. About ten people got together and enjoyed talking. We had a party outside today. It was not so cold but strong wind blew everything in the second half.

To make the gluten ratio lower for diabetes, I baked a bread consisting of the half by bread wheat and the remaining half by mixture of powder of rye, brown rice and oats. One guest said it tastes the earth. He said it is good but I wonder it is really good.

I had a message from one of participants after breakfast like this. It is very precious to me.
I hope to do what I want to do or when I feel it looks fun without hesitation while I can control my body and mind. I execute policy change from now. Of course, I should watch out bone fracture. Keep in mind it.

I talked with her for the first time in about two years.

March 11, 2020 (Wed)


自分自身の心体がコントロール出きる内に、やりたい と思った事、楽しめそうだなと感じられた時,などには躊躇せず望んで行きたい。


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