7th Breakfast Party: talk about politics of remote island 第7回朝食会:離島の政治の話

Feb 26, 2020 (Wed) 2020年2月26日(水)

For a change, all guests were men this morning. Today's main topic was politics in the first half. In the second half we listened former captain's story. His story was too exciting, so we forgot to finish on time and my friends had to rush into work. One of them asked him to talk his story to students in Yuge shose. I really hope so too. Next time, I should set a timer next time.

Denis introduced case of Greek to us in the first half. Young man and woman leave a relationship for differences in attitudes toward politics. I thought Japanese never do that, while my friend said that it may happened among even Japanese. We agreed that Japanese generally demonstrates scant interest in politics.

I have an unforgettable words on a book like this. "It is nothing special that life in the remote island is comfortable since government pay much money for that." In fact, more than half of revenue comes from government, and town tax revenue is less than 10 % of revenue. In remote island, traditionally, each individual has high levels of self-reliance such as growing vegetables in their kitchen garden and making and repairing various stuff with woods and steel, and people helped each other to survive, for example, in case of less water by sharing well water when water has not been delivered by crossing ocean through pipe on the ocean floor due to disaster.

We think each town people in Kamijima town has highly potential to be independent more on the financial side of our town. Under current political system, all we can do is to interest in politics and vote appropriate lawmaker. So I gradually started to learn what's going on in our town in the budget execution side and study the Constitution of Japan with my friends. I also hope to exchange opinions with people in Kamijima town, therefore...

Fri March 20, 2020: Asking opinion of town people
I will ask town people's opinion outside near Yuge port. The detail will be informed later.

Sat March 21, 2020: 10:00〜12:30 Learning constitution via zoom, real time online lecture + 〜14:00 potluck party @ENGAWA, Yuge
Lion in the cage, a textbook of constitution explained in plain language for children. The author, lawyer share the lecture in Hokkaido via zoom. Onishi san and I set up a special screening of the lecture with people in Kamijima town.
Please bring each own drink and one food to serve such as a handmade dish and snacks for potluck party after lecture.
This event is supported by donation from local people. Donations are always welcome.

珍しく、今朝の参加者は全員男性でした。今日の主な話題は、前半は政治について、後半は元船長さんのお話。彼の話はあまりに面白くて、予定の終了時間を忘れてしまい、 友人たちは大急ぎで仕事に向かったという結末。友人の一人は、彼に弓削商船の学生に向けて話してほしいと頼んでいました。私も心から賛成。次回はタイマーをセットしようと思います。





10:00〜12:30 憲法を学ぶ講演の上映会
~14:00 ポトラックパーティー




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