2nd Curry and Jam Session 第2回カレーとジャムの交流会

2nd Curry and Jam Session was held today. Rain doesn't bother such indoor. The number of perticipants are not so much because I didn't have enough time to invite people personally. I just announced online and display pamphlet on the wall in ENGAWA, Emi san informed of members of local senior volunteer group this time. Most of them who got together positively joined this party this time, and really enjoyed variation of five pots of curry and five kinds of citrus jam which were all different. Surprisingly a jam made from tomato harvested now because of warm winter was served.

Three workawayers, Denis from Greece, Kevin from France, and Carlos from Spain joined with Mots san. Carlos cooked a curry of coconut milk and tomato. Mild and european? tastes. A girl said I like this! Some people enjoyed English conversation without pocketalk.

Local people advertised and talked about our town to a visitor from Shiga. People were relaxed and enjoyed conversation each other. One of them told me that she was born in Yuge, moved to other place when she married and raised a child, and came back to Yuge. She said it was really good to come back to yuge and her son said so, too. She is happy to become close to many people who live here. She said it was not possible to live like this in previous place. She joins our breakfast party and is a member of local senior volunteer group, so I think her positive attitude also makes her life better. Small party is good because I can hear such a story directly from people. Everybody helped me to prepare and finalize this party. So it was very smooth. I hope to have a chance to eat such a variety of foods someone cooked once a month.

第2回カレーとジャムの交流会を開催しました。屋内イベントは雨を気にしなくて大丈夫。今回は個人的にお誘いする時間がとれなかったこともあり、小規模の開催となりました。オンラインとエンガワ掲示板による告知、えみさんが支え愛隊とよぶシニアボランティアグループ へ呼びかけてもらった程度でした。今回集まってくれたみんなは積極的にパーティーへ参加してくれ、すべてが異なる5種類のカレーと5種類のマーマレードを心から楽しんでいるようでした。なんと、暖冬のためにこの時期に収穫できたトマトのジャムもありました。



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