Advertising Goats 看板ヤギ

Jan 25, 2020 (Sat) 2020年1月25日(土)

This is a first outing by car for kids. Kids were quiet, but their mother, Yuki was noisy just before departure. At first, we stopped by Tachibana san's farm to get goats' favorite grasses. He was a goat owner of Yuki's mother, so he knows what goats like. I asked him to give citrus branches for goat to me. He didn't use chemical, so goats can eat the leaves in relief. Fortunately, he gave us a pile of citrus in a basket, too.

子ヤギたちは初めてのドライブ。子ヤギたちは静まっていましたが、出発するまで母ヤギのユキは騒がしくしていました。まず最初に、 ヤギたちの好物の草を刈らせてもらいに、上弓削の立花さんの畑に立ち寄りました。立花さんはユキの母ヤギを飼っていたので、ヤギが好きなものを知っています。剪定した柑橘の枝があったので、頼んで分けてもらいました。無農薬ということでヤギたちは安心して葉っぱを食べられます。ありがたいことに、人間用にと、かごに山盛りの八朔をわけてくれました。

Next, we visited an event "Dining room for everyone" at welfare center. A white board at the entrance shows name of people who support this event. I felt happy to find my friend's name, Mika san, Onishi san, Sasaki san on it. Sasaki san knew this event by a facebook article I shared and brought some vegetables such as Napa this morning. I am always impressed at her energy.


Yuki and her sons played a role as an advertising goat in front of the building. Mots san kindly brought a lunch plate for me outside. After having lunch, everybody gradually came outside and enjoyed petting kids and Yuki. When Yuki put droppings, children were surprised at the shape like a chocolate balls. Most little children were scared of even kids and kept a distance from them. Adult enjoy taking photos. During the time, I could have conversation with many people. I found Emi san, so I reserved ENGAWA for carry and jam event on Feb 16, 2020 (Sun). I met a teacher of junior high school, I could talk a little about truant students.


In the event, Emi san told me that ENGAWA is open on every Saturday night as a study room, so I went there about 7pm and could meet Onishi san who organizes the lunch event and Itakura san who manages the study room. Both of them involve in support of children in their respective positions. Onishi san hoped to give children some outdoor experience at our place in Sashima. Itakura san is interested in it, too. We made a line group to continue discussion anytime online.
It was very productive day.

イベント会場でえみさんから、毎週土曜日夜にエンガワを自習室として開放していると聞いたので、夜7時ごろでかけると、お昼のイベントを主催していた大西さんと、自習室を管理している板倉さんに会うことができました。二人はそれぞれの立場で児童をサポートする仕事に関係しています。大西さんは、佐島の私たちの場所で、子供たちにアウトドアを体験させたいと考えていました。板倉さんも興味があるようです。私たちは、オンラインでいつでも話し合いが続けられるよう、 ライングループをつくりました。

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