Experiment on bread パンを使った実験
Jan 12, 2020 (Sun) 2020年1月12日(日)
I went to my friend’s house by ten minutes’ ship. I baked two types of bread for a souvenir. I quizzed her family “One bread was fermented this morning, the other was fermented overnight. Do you know which is which?” They were checking appearance, feeling, and smell, then got to the correct answer. The bread of overnight fermentation smells stronger than that of this morning. They said two hamsters, their pet have a clear preference for bread. Their favorite bread is made from domestic wheat by contract farmers and natural yeast. We understand they recognize their favorite by smell, too. It’s my pleasure that my bread meets gourmet hamster’s favorite!
船で10分の友人の家へ遊びに行ってきました。おみやげに、2種類のパンを焼いていきました。彼女の家族に早速クイズ。「一つは今朝発酵させたもの、もう一つは一晩発酵させたもの。どっちがどっちでしょう?」。みんなじっくり見た目や触感、匂いを確認して、正解に到達。一晩発酵されたパンはより匂いが強かったようです。彼女たちのペットの二匹のハムスターはパンについてははっきりした好みがあるのだそう。お好みのパンは、国内で契約農家が育てた小麦と、天然酵母をつかったものだそうです。私たちは、ハムたちが匂いによっても好みを見分けていることに気づきました。グルマンハム様は 私のパンもお気に召されたようで、大変光栄です!
My friend serves lunch of gratin and pizza for me. Miso (bean paste) base pizza and topping of daikon (Japanese radish) leave are very good and two days later I quickly copied most of her recipe this time to lunch for guest from China. I replaced daikon leave with turnip leave, whitebait with oil sardine, bacon with grilled wild bore meat. Local miso base and topping of grilled wild bore meat hunted in this island looks like be a pizza with the style of local production for local consumption.
I brought a bar code reader and introduced her how to use WebLib, online library support system for free. Her daughters enjoyed registration books from her book shelf. My friend said to register about 300 books next day, but still half. It is kind of evidence to start up.
Anyway, we believe this system is very easy to introduce and suitable for supporting library in small town.
A book was delivered when I got home. She introduced me this book the other day, so I have ordered. I visited my friend for talking about this. The book explains the Constitution for children. We decided to read it in turns with her family via LINE. Before that, I should finish to read it. Every page shows illustration, so it looks easy but takes time to read because of course it is about the Constitution…
帰宅したら本が届いていました。 先日彼女からこの本を紹介してもらい、注文していたもので、この話をするために、今回友人を訪問したのでした。これは憲法について子供向けに解説している本です。私たちは、彼女の家族とLINE上で輪読することにしました。その前にまず私が本を読んでおかなくてはいけません。全ページイラスト付きなのですが、やはり憲法の話なので、読み進むのに時間がかかります。。