Recent Animals 動物たちの近況

When I enter animals area, chickens and goats run up to me for requesting feeds.

At first, feeding chickens.

Next up is milking goats. I milked Shiro first this morning. In that case, Yuki strongly appeal for milking her to me. Yuki rubs against my head repeatedly from behind. If I ignore or push away her, she chnages the direction and gazes at me right in front while milking Shiro. Yuki has very intersting character. Shiro never do like this.
Chickens look thirsty. I often supplies water but they keep opening their mouth, or hide under goat house with strange pose. Chickens often enter goat house, and goats often enter chicken coop. They seem to share their house each other.

Some birds, specially sparrows come to steal feeds for chickens. But I don’t miss some quails present in the group. That one must be one of quails escaping from here. Anyway, it’s OK because they are fine and often visit here to show their figure.

In bucks’ farm, Horn and Baron rush to me even in hot noon time every time my car approach there. They are cute but smells stronger day by day recently. Breading season comes soon.






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