New sprout-happy animals 新芽に夢中の動物たち

  • Kids, chickens and adult goats had been waited for new sprout in spring!
  • Ten-day-old buck already began practice sex.
    Should we pay attention to inbreeding?
    Regarding sexual maturity, bucks are eariler than does, and small types of goat are earlier than that of big types. Shiba goat of small type will be heat at three to four months old in theory. Inbreeding of pure strain Shiba goat has no problem probably because inbreeding was repeated in small island, which removes bad genes under natural selection.
    Our goats are hybrid and we had an experience that yuki had two kids on Aug 16, 2016 and the kids had a kid on Apr 17, 2017. Pregnant term of goat is five months, so the kids became pregnant at three months old.
    Therefore, “Should we pay attention to inbreeding?”, the answer is “yes”.
  • Kids can’t stay still. They invaded into our garden throught the fence during taking video, so I had to stop recoding and catch on them.
  • 子ヤギもニワトリも親ヤギも、春の新芽を待ち望んでいました!
  • 生後10日のオスヤギがもう交尾の練習を始めました。近親交配に注意すべきでしょうか?
  • 子ヤギたちはじっとしていられません。動画を撮っている間にも柵を越えて畑に入るので、録画を中断して捕まえにいかなくてはいけませんでした。
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