Exchange Diary 交換日記 No.34 ☀

Today’s Animal products were 10 cage-free eggs in last week
>>Chickens are fine.

Today’s Sweets were “Rye bread with walnut and dried fig, whole wheat cracker with orange powder”
>> Ingredients of the bread are bread flour : rye flour = 2:1, walnut, dried fig, sugar, vegetable oil, water, dried yeast. Ingredients of the cracker are flour : whole wheat flour = 9:1, dried orange powder, vegetable oil, salt, and water.

Today’s drink was “chamomile tea”
>>The tea bag was a commercial product. I found some budding of chamomile at the garden in front of goat farm in Fujitani along the street. I pulled lots of weeds to rescue them. I hope they grow enough to make tea.

Ms. Sato “homemade pickles of Yuzu/citrus and Daikon/radish, a pile of Mizuna/potherb mustard”
>>She arrange a pile of Mizuna her friend gave to her on newspaper and was cleaning by removing brown leaves and said “jobs after harvesting is included in kitchen gardening.” I understand! I regret on myself that I often fail to treat vegetables after harvest like this, so vegetables even we grew doesn’t reach kitchen table.. I will treat with that vegetables after that work has done..

Mitsue san folded origami paper into Origami Celebration Crane and gave them to me. It is different from normal Origami Crane but can stand by themselves. Gold and silver looks gorgeous. At first, she saw it ENGAWA visitors made, the next, she search it online, and then, she became to make it. Great! I hope to let people who has no chance to contact on internet try it as a tool to realize your own curiosity. I think that online information is very strong tool for craft lovers like this.

Mots san joined by motorbike. He loves Yuzu, radish and pickles, so quickly start to eat pickles from Ms. Sato. She saw that and gave us one more package. He looks ashamed but still happy. He enjoyed it for lunch, too. I will try to make pickles by radish friend gave me and lemon.

Debut Internet I have thought to show movies of kids to people in ENGAWA but I forgot it. Kids are already jumping around there !

Seed Exchange Unit of seeds for sale is probably too much for kitchen gardeners. Let’s exchange seeds, too on this month!

Next, Mar 20(T) , 27(T), Apr 3(T), 10(T) 10-12am

今日の畜産物は、平飼い卵 10 個 >>快調です。

今日のおやつは、“くるみとイチジクのライ麦パン、陳皮入り全粒粉クラッカー” >>パンの材料は、強力粉:ライ麦粉=2:1、クルミ、干しイチジク、砂糖、サラダ油、水、ドライイースト。をクラッカーの材料は、小麦粉:全粒粉=9:1、乾燥したみかんの皮の粉末、サラダ油、塩、水。





インターネット体験 生後1週間の子ヤギたちの動画をご紹介しようと思ってたのですが、ENGAWAに着いたらすっかり忘れてました。。もう飛び跳ねて、草を食べる真似もしはじめています。

種の交換 市販の種は、家庭菜園には単位がちょっと多くないですか?今月は種の交換もしましょう!みなさんのお手持ちの種をお待ちしてます~。

次は 3/20(火), 27(火) 4/3(火) 10(火) am10~12

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