Mochi pounding 餅つき

  • Mochi pounding with sister’s family on Jan 2. My sister enjoyed preparing some delicious Mochi toppings such as white-Miso mixed with lemon juice and local made Miso mixed with walnut, and her husband pounded Mochi with efficiency. Nephew enjoyed collecting sticks for fire. Mochi cutter was a big help again!
  • Nephew is active more than two months and half ago. He helped me a lot of goat stuff by picking up loquat leaves I cut, carrying them and feeding bucks. He loves wheels and always pull a cart even when he follows his father going fishing. Taking a walk with does. Does made a mess on the way, and he swept up them!
  • My sister enjoyed wood craft. She made a jam spreader and a big spoon. It is hard to make a big spoon with limited tool but she worked well.
  • Nephew’s father really loves fishing and dropped a line into the ocean every day. He got some sand borer at first day. It was delicious.
  • 1月2日、妹家族と餅をつきました。妹は、白味噌にレモン、佐島の味噌にクルミ、などおいしい餅のトッピングを用意し、旦那さんが効率よく餅をついてくれました。甥は、火にくべる薪集めを楽しんでいました。今回も餅カッターが大活躍!
  • 甥は2か月半前に比べてさらに活発になっています。ヤギの世話をたくさん手伝ってくれて、私が切った枇杷の葉を拾ったり、運んでオスヤギに食べさせたりしました。車が大好きで、いつもカートを引いていて、お父さんの魚釣りについていく時までも。メスヤギとの散歩。途中でしたった糞も、甥がほうきで掃除してくれました!
  • 甥のお父さんは大の釣り好きで、毎日海に釣り糸を垂らしていました。初日にキスを釣り上げました。おいしかったです。
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