Bucks baby-sit their kids オスヤギは子ヤギのベビーシッターに

  • After breakfast, kids move to bucks' farm by car and play with their father.
  • Three kinds of Edamame were seeded under goats' supervise and covered with mesh to prevent from bird attacks. We couldn't harvest any beans because all seeds were eaten by birds last year.
  • Wood craft club day. I practiced how to use the wood lathe through making some small plates repeatedly.
  • 朝食後、子ヤギたちは車でオスのヤギ牧場へ移動して、お父さんたちと遊びます。
  • ヤギの監督の下、三種類の枝豆の種を植え、鳥よけに網をかけました。去年は鳥に種を全て食べられて収穫できませんでした。
  • 木工クラブの日。小さいお皿を繰り返し作りながら、木工旋盤の使い方を練習しました。