Brothers of Yuki’s kids are 40 days younger than sisters of Shiro’s kids but they are playing together as equals.
New owner of Shiro’s kids came from Kumamoto with five dogs by car. He is working but also owns various animals including a pony and grow vegetables. It’s interesting that most new owners I met are such DIY guys, so I enjoy to find new owner even if I am worried until I find them. The new owner wants to make cheese from milk of Shiro’s kids in future. They have to go far away but must be happy with many animals.
Yuzu san followed Shiro to put her into goat house about 5pm. Himeka san took yuki to goat house. They got used to treat goats.
Local people also support to bring many goat feeds. Thank you, everyone!
The transplanted rosemary and camomile are blooming succesfuly.
Potato tower works well so far.
I took too much time to finalize salted cherry blossom and deteriorated the color gradually.