New Year’s Holidays @ Goat Farm 正月三が日はヤギ牧場で

  • I kept going to Horn and Baron’s place on first three days of a new year. I fixed a door and fence by bamboo, made a bamboo broom, put two doors and a shelf into goat house, made a duckboard for used in goat room, and made a chair for me.
  • Horn and Baron look confused at the changes of living place. Cars and people come and go, and street light is strong at night. But they must have enjoyed ocean view and much freedom without leash. Specially, Horn is excited and chases after and attacks Baron so often. We are afraid that Baron would have stress..
  • Kawamoto san came to see their place and told me one of goat’s favorite tree, Distylium racemosum tree. After that, I visited to her house to meet bucks. The black and white buck is Baron’s father, and the white buck is Yuki and Shiro’s father.
  • 正月三が日はホルンとバロンの場所へ通い続けました。竹を使ってドアとフェンスを直し、竹ぼうきをつくり、山羊小屋に2つのドアと棚を採り付け、山羊の部屋用にすのこ板を作り、自分用のいすを作りました。
  • ホルンとバロンは、住む場所が変わって戸惑っているようです。車や人が行き来し、夜は街灯が強く照らします。でも、オーシャンビューと綱のない自由を喜んでいるに違いありません。
  • 河本さんが立ち寄ってくれて、山羊の好物の木、ひょんの木(イスノキ)を教えてくれました。そのあと、私が河本さんの家を訪ね、オス山羊たちに会ってきました。白と黒の山羊はバロンのお父さん、白色の山羊はユキとシロのお父さんです。