6th Breakfast Party: Visitors thinking about migration 第6回朝食会:移住検討中のお客さん

Feb 19, 2020 (Wed)
I invited Nozomi san to join our breakfast party this time. She is a person we were introduced to by previous workawayer as a person thinking about migration. So I also invited my friend works as a person in charge in a division of promoting migration. Nozomi san got many advises from her and local people even after breakfast party. She could told what she wants very clearly based on the experience of preparing for migration by joining some workshop to rebuild old house and helping farming in countryside. Probably because of that, local people including us could give advice to her easily.

I would suspect it's a rare case. Generally, it may be kind of difficult to host people who thinks about migration, which is imagined from our little experiences. Each person has each dream and each condition. At first host needs to draw out their dream and condition by conversation. At the time, some people can talk about it clearly, but some of them waver between dream and reality. But anyway, residents including us would like to value the fact that Kamijima town attracts them anyway. Probably it is nature and residents of Kamijima town. Next step after hearing is to look for their place to live. It is a big hurdle for migrators. Solution that meets the needs is required.

Cute two-year old girl joined this morning. She broke a record for minimum age of participant! I appreciate her parents taking her before nursery school and their work even early morning.




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