Small Septic System 小型汚水処理システム

Sven, a German, enjoyes fresh orange juice every morning and breakfast ouside over view of ocean. Goats have breakfast, too next to him.

Some olive trees have many buds, but others suffer from olive weevils in the farms of Yuge and Sashima. Olive weevils are horrible because of killing big adult olive trees which finally grew.

In the morning, I focused on beginner-ceramic art for two hours at my friend's house. I made two types of dishe at first. Now, second attempt is two types of coffee cup. It is very valuable time to listen to his story of traveling the world on business.

In the afternoon, we worked for developing our land in Sashima. Mots san and Idan dug big holes by hand to embed two 200 L plastic tanks underground and some long pipes. Mots san continues the process to make a small septic system according to the following instruction.
We need a toilet to invite people to provide some activities in this area, but there is no water. We installed big tank to collect rain water at first. Next, Mots san put pipes and finally started to make a small septic system in this golden week which is 10 days national holiday in early May in Japan).

In the evening, I dressed one rooster. I could separate chicken tenderloin without broken this time. I am developing a skill of dressing a chicken provided by my chicken every other month.
I have 13 hens now to get eggs. It means almost same numbers of rooster were born somewhere. I think I should face the fact.






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